Cannot Use Submission Form



Have tried a number of times to submit my site. Having filled up the form and hit "SUBMIT" after a few minutes I get page not found. Can anybody help ?


I had the same problem ... and found why ..

my firewall and my proxy setting.

apparently, dmoz need to get the same ip address when you start to fill the form and
when you submit it.

when i desactivate my firewall and proxy, all was ok

Loic Strullu


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
You shouldn't have had to deactivate your firewall -- unless it was stripping out form parameters.

The IP is an issue, but the current DMOZ scripts are handling it better (you get the message that your submittal was placed in a queue, which means that it will be processed, with a slight delay.) There is, however, something squirrelly going on with Infernal Exploder users. Nobody seems to have a handle on it. Giving ODP's standards-compliance track record, and Microsoft's near-perfect standards-noncompliance record, I'm betting it's some esotoric design defect in the IE.

If you're a particularly public-spirited sort, you could try putting your firewall and proxy server back, downloading Netscape (4.x or 6.x, doesn't matter) and letting us know what happened.


Thanks for all the advice. I have no firewall etc. I had previously tried unsuccessfully using Netscape 4.6 and have just tried again to see what the actual error was. Having hit the "SUBMIT" button I got "Connect: Host contacted. Waiting for reply..." then after a few minutes message "The document contained no data. Try again later or contact the servers administrator".


I want to close this thread and move my problem to the "Bugs and Features" forum as that seems more appropriate.


I have now been trying for days to submit my site. I have tried IE5.5 and 6 which on hitting "SUBMIT" eventually come back with page not found error. Have also tried Netscape 4.6 and 6 which both go "Connect: contacted. Waiting for reply.." then "The document contained no data. Try again later or contact the servers administrator". I have tried on two different PCs with two different ISPs.

My URL is "" and I am trying to submit to Regional:UK:Government:Defence.

Could somebody else please try and submit my site? I am not trying to jump the queue or anything - I just want to get it submitted in the first place.


Thank you !!! Any idea why the submission form didnt work for me?


Mar 25, 2002
Pass. But by looking at the message you received, the connection between your machine and the ODP server failed for some reason. This could be due to network traffic (i.e.: if you are on dialup, your connection could have dropped or your link to the internet might have gone down shortly), temporary server unavailability (i.e. Netscape techs rebooting the box). Or... it could also be related to the widespread DDoS DNS problems encountered Monday evening (GMT) - but your machine should have cached the DNS entry anyway...
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