Can't Contact Editor to Request Site Submittal


Nov 9, 2006
Hi! I tried to contact an "editor" of a particular list. It said the service was not working. This editor created the list of "charms" or sites that sell charms. I'm a retailer and my site <url removed> has a very large and extensive listing of charms for sale. I'd like to contact him directly to ask him how to submit my site for review as I've had such trouble getting on dmoz.

Because the email link did not work, is there another way to contact a member directly? Thank you for your assistance and my apologies if this is in a FAQ somewhere. I'm very new here. And I know people tend not to answer "stupid questions" but I did a member search also, and can't find this particular member. Thank you!


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I wouldn't recommend contacting an editor about suggesting your site. Once our suggestion script is working again, you can suggest your site yourself using the "Suggest site" link at the top of the category.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Contacting an editor is an extremely inefficient way of suggesting a website. Don't waste your time trying it (and we won't have to waste our time ignoring your contact to focus on some better way of finding websites.)

There is never a way for you to request or require special service for your website. All websites, whether suggested or not, are on the same footing. You suggest a site, and when an editor works in that category, he can see all the suggestions (as you probably know from Google searches, the Charms area is chock-full of affiliate sites and pseudonymous order-takers for faceless anonymous firms, so there is a HUGE task of digging through the toxic waste to find the few gems. Expect the work to take time. Expect most editors to prefer to work where they can be more productive. Don't expect that there's anything you can do to make that reality more favorable for you or for us.

But in any case, the whole editing server is down right now (see the announcements), so, basically, nothing works except viewing old static publicly-visible ODP data.


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
While you're waiting for the suggestion system to come back online, you might like to read our site suggestion instructions -- particularly the bit about submitting your site only once and not submitting any related URLs (which would include internal pages / sections of a main site). ;)
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