Can't figure out problem with submission


Feb 24, 2007
I've submitted my site a couple of times on DMOZ in the past 4 to 6 months and reviewed the submission guidelines. It seems to be following all of them...

The site is primarily focusing on selecting useful child development information for parents of young children. It truly helps people, yet I just can't figure out why it is not showing.

The suggestion process mentions that links are usually reviewed within a couple of weeks... Do some categories get reviewed faster than others? (it was listed in the "Parenting" category). Is there a process to see why a site would've been denied? Any help or feedback would be much appreciated. Thank you!



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> The suggestion process mentions that links are usually reviewed within a couple of weeks...
No it does not. Just the opposite.
Depending on factors such as the volume of submissions to the particular category, it may take several weeks or more before your submission is reviewed
More can be anything over several weeks. Even upto several years. I have seen sites being reviewed more than 4 years afters they were suggested.

> Is there a process to see why a site would've been denied?
You can see if a site will be (or is) rejected by studing our guidelines about which sites we will and which we will not list.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.