danis, things like that have been bandied about in the forums some. My impression is that there are changes planned for the unreviewed database, which may facilitate giving more automatic information.
But in general the problem is less problematic, and more complex, than you're assuming though. Remember there isn't any queue except what the editor imposes, and many editors don't review first-submitted sites first: and if they did, one possible three-week delay is not a big deal, considering that most of our licensees only update once a month anyway.
Also, just because a submittal isn't waiting in a category doesn't mean that it should be submitted there.
And given a choice between you resubmitting a site over and over again before it's been reviewed, and resubmitting a site over again every time immediately after it's been rejected or moved elsewhere, we'd LOTS prefer the former: it doesn't waste OUR time, and it serves you just as well.
Or, to put it another way, the current setup isn't causing us any problems that the proposal would solve, and might even introduce problems that we aren't currently having.
What I WOULD like to see is some message like this:
"The URL you submitted, xxx.mycom.com, is already listed in Business/Companies/Impersonal/Insignificant. Are you suggesting it should be ()
() Also listed in Business/Companies/Really_Really_Big also
() Moved to Business/Companies/Really_Really_Big
Please explain your reasons, considering our guidelines [link] and the list of "Common reasons to link a site twice" [link]
Conversely, as an editor, "this site is also waiting review in Business/Companies/Big, Business/Companies/Other, Business/Companies/Small, Business/Corporations/Financial,
Business/Companies/Bankrupt, Business, and Business/Companies. [click to review]
But as I say, I think all of this will have to wait till the next round of database re-engineering is finished.