Can't get site listed - any advice?


Dec 20, 2004
I've been trying to get my site listed in the dmoz directory for over 2 years now. I don't understand what the problem is!!!

My clients often comment on how easy my site is to navigate. It definately contains purely relevant info as its just about my shop and products I sell. I've submitted it to catagories that contain sites run by companies that I would consider my main competitors. I cannot understand what it is that is preventing my site being accepted!

...and with no emails telling me why its been denied, I have no way of doing anything to improve my chances. I don't even know what's wrong!! :confused:

Can anyone help/advise/sympathise?

:cat: Starstruck


Apr 15, 2003
I've submitted it to catagories
Assuming you really mean plural --

Identify the single best category for your site. The Open Directory has an enormous array of subjects to choose from. You should submit a site to the single most relevant category. Sites submitted to inappropriate or unrelated categories may be rejected or removed.

But since we have no idea what site or what category, we can only guess. Try the submission status forum and make sure to read the guidelines line by line.


Dec 20, 2004
hmmm...I've submitted it maybe 3 times over the last 2 years...not knowing whether it had been rejected meant I was never sure whether to do it again or not! I just figured that it must have needed to be in a different catagory. However, looking at other sites in the various catagories is hugely confusing as some of them appear in more than one, and some sites which appear no different to me (sell the same as each other) appear in different its impossible to know which one is the "single most appropriate"! (I sell bridal tiaras and there is a huge number of catagories that list sites that sell bridal tiaras!)

The last time I submitted was about a month ago, but I can't remember the exact date so will wait until the New Year before posting in the Submission Status Forum. (although one thread I was reading over there, the guy has been waiting for about a year, only to be rejected!)

Thanks for your response though!
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