Can't reach editors



Thanks to editor "morserj" for helping me find my way here!
My question:
I needed to change my URL, my title, my description and finally, my category.
I tried to use "Update URL", but after a couple months it didn't change. Then I saw that I was deleted all together! So I was advised to contact the editors, but the category I want to be in (Top: Regional: North America: United States: Wisconsin: Localities: M: Milwaukee: Business and Economy: Real Estate) doesn't have one. So I tried to contact the editor of the next category up, but the contact forms to them wouldn't go through. (No such user, or something like that.)
So now I don't know what to do. I'm not listed in the above category & ironically, some people that are listed there I helped submit!
I don't want to keep trying to submit & tick someone off, but I don't know how to get a hold of an editor for my desired category & find out how to get relisted.
Help please?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
You can go over to the "Submission status" forum and ask about the status of your "Update URL" request. We get about 30-50 requests a day, and over 95% get an answer. (Sometimes we miss one, usually unintentionally.)


Thanks, I saw that thread after I posted, but wasn't sure which to use. I'll do that!
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