Cant seem to submit my site


Jul 28, 2004
I entered DMOZ, clicked "suggest URL" and read the instructions. I then selected the most suitable category, but there was no "suggest URL" link there. Then I tried many other similar categories but, the same problem.
My site is: , so I tried categories like "christianity" and similar.
The instructions do seem very clear, but unfortunately I can't get past instruction Nº 3.
Am I missing something? Thank you in advance.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
If a category doesn't allow you to submit a URL there, then it's a rather strong hint that you should consider whether the site fits into one of its subcategories.

I think for this site, the fundamental difficulty is that you can't find the focus because the lens is so small. You might consider adding more content, or at least identifying the sort of content that you plan to add. That might give you a better clue as to what the focus will be. (I'm not sure I would consider listing it at all in its current state: I think at the most charitable it would be considered a "personal page".)


Jul 28, 2004
a misunderstanding?

Thanks for the fast reply. My site is in its early stages. But I'm not sure if there is a misunderstanding: I didn't even get as far as entering my URL for consideration, as there were no "suggest URL" links in the (many) categories I tried.
Thank you for your opinion. I am open to suggestions.


Apr 15, 2003
My site is in its early stages.

If so, it would not be wise to suggest it at this time. Sites in a state of development, tend to get rejected at once, then when you submit again, you already have "points" against you for the previous premature submssion.


Jul 28, 2004
Thank you for your advice - in fact I am hoping to get input from people who happen to stumble upon my site, with a view to building it up....a kind of community effort. That's why I need Google.
I appreciate your interest.


Jan 23, 2003
But we are not Google, we are the Open Ddirectory Project and we simply do not acccept incomplete sites.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Every community needs a leader. The internet is no different. A community website needs a core -- someone with a vision of what can be done, and a commitment to do it. If you have such a vision, then be about it: ODP editors will sympathize, and when the site begins to come together, it will be time to review for a listing.

What you have, so far, is an ideal.

Compare that to, say, the Christian Classics Ethereal Library, , where I'm a volunteer.

Down at the core, there's one man's vision ( ) including an ideal, a purpose, and a roadmap. It starts with his own work -- a few dozen books chosen, scanned, and published. He has a definite kind of content in mind, that had helped him but that he thought was hard to find. And he has definite ways in which other people can contribute.

Now THAT'S a "community" site! Oh, and NOW he has hundreds of thousands of pages of content. from other people.

You don't have any of that. You have an ideal, with very little content and (so far as the site shows) no particular kind of content in mind, nor a roadmap to get more -- either from yourself or from the community.

Making the site more visible won't change that.

What I would suggest (which is in fact what I do) is: rather than starting a community from nothing, participate in existing communities. Is there a kind of content that you've found useful, but that's not available on the net? Then MAKE it available -- and offer it to the net communities that you think might like it. (I've had a half-dozen e-texts gladly received by multiple sites. I could have had more, but I'm more interested in making texts available than in reposting existing ones.) If you identify material that nobody has and no current site wants, or a body of material that no current site will build, then will be plenty soon to start your own schismatic community. And by then you may be able to articulate the common concept or unifying ideal that would make your community distinct and unique. (My own material is just beginning to appear on the net this year. It is not yet listed in the ODP.)

But until then, be part of the communities that already exist. Share whatever benefits can be shared through them, while learning how they work. If you just want to contribute to the heavens or the earth on the net, you may not need your own website at all, let alone yet.
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