Can't submit new site




I've been trying for a week or so to subit a new site using the add url form. It just hangs. Doesn't matter what time of day I try.

Now when I try to submit, it trys to log me in as an editor (requests password etc).

Is this a particular problem for the past two weeks or is
it just that particular submit page?



I've now read all the other threads regarding the bugs etc.
Seems like will have to wait for server upgrades and bug-fixing to occur.


May 26, 2002
It will be back up when it is fixed.

The ODP used to run from a single server. Now there are at least 12 servers spread over several domains. Scripts have had to be modified and moved around, redirects put in place, and so on. There have been some bugs in the changeover. The editors side works well, but the link from there to the public side has been flaky at times.

It is being looked at. Editors have no control over any of this but we'll post something when we know something.

One advantage. While no new submissions are being received, the already existing queues of unreviewed sites are still being worked on. So, when you are eventually able to submit, maybe there will be less sites in front of you than there are now?
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.