CAT change request



Greetings, all! Thanks for this opportunity to post here.

The site in my profile is listed. The site serves mostly a North American audience (& Europe/Asia with some products [tickets]). It is listed in 2 DMOZ CATS. One of the CATS is a regional one. The other listing reflects one segment of the services/products offered.

For a few days in January 2002, the site was listed in what I considered the most appropriate CAT. - Shopping: Entertainment: Tickets

I noticed after being listed there for a couple weeks, that it was moved to - Regional: North America: Canada: British Columbia: Localities: V: Vancouver: Arts and Entertainment

The site does in fact offer tickets for a multitude of North American concert, sports & theater shows/events. I have emailed the editor (requesting the change) in a CAT above Shopping: Entertainment: Tickets because there is currently no editor in Shopping: Entertainment: Tickets

Is this appropriate? Any suggestions?

I thank you, kindly for your time. (apologies for my verbosity)


The Regional listing is standard - every site with a Regional presence is allowed to have one, in addition to whatever topical listing is appropriate.

It does look like your topical listing - Shopping: Entertainment: Tickets: Theatre - may be one step lower than ideal. However, if you request a move up to Tickets, that listing will disappear into unreviewed with the other 135 sites waiting (since the Theatre editor can't edit in Tickets, just move sites to unreviewed).

Since you have two good listings (which can be found easily by the search engines using our data), you might be best off to just check back occasionally until Tickets gets its own editor. Someone with a special interest in a topic will take the time to place every site "just right".


Thanks for your suggestion, vmcknight! Appreciate your time!
I have noticed this CAT has not had an editor for quite a while...


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