Cat updation date.


Apr 10, 2003
If one category is showing yesterday date as a updation date.It means all the sites of that particular category has been reviewed or there is possibility that some sites might be still pending.


Oct 2, 2002
It just means that the category was updated in some way. Many things/actions will change the updated date. It does not mean that all of the sites waiting for a listing have been reviewed.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
For the record, Robozilla (our link-rot checker) just came through. As a result, many usually-neglected categories will get a flying visit from a roving quality-control inspector. Often, all they'll do is check the unreviewed queue to see if a new URL has been submitted for the dead listing, fix or remove the listing, and go on to the next category with Robo-flagged sites.

And the usual caveat--just because an editor is building up a category doesn't mean they're doing it by reviewing submitted sites! There are other sources of information, and our overall approach should be indicated by our editor application form--we expect all editors to be able to find and list good sites without any help. So that may be (and, for a good editor, often is) what they are doing.


Apr 15, 2003
Another example about activity, I just started editing a category, that did not have an editor. So there's a pile of sites there waiting to be reviewed. But my main reason for editing that category, is to move some web sites out of it, to a new category that better fits them. When I've finished doing that, I may stop being an editor there - since the rest of the sites are not in my personal interest, leaving a lot of sites untouched. There is only so much much a person can do.

But someone already noticed that I'm now an editor there, and emailed my complaining that she'd put her site in two weeks ago [patience, patience, I've got one of my own sites been waiting for three months], and how come it wasn't in yet.

Now if her site is included in the ones I'm interested in, it will get done in the next week or so, if not, maybe I'll never touch it. So the acivity date, may lead you to false conclusions.

P.S. I have another category where someone complained about his site not being in, turned out I'd only been editor in the category for about 4 hours, and had already put it in.

So from a certain point of view, it would be better if ODP did not show the edit date or the editor name.
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