Catch-22 when trying to reinstate an old account no longer recognized


Curlie Editor
Sep 14, 2015
I had been an editor under the User ID of rlevitt from 2001 to 2004 when I fell very ill due to a medical mishap with a surgeon.

When I tried to reinstate that user it was not recognized, even though I dug up my old hard drive and confirmed what my old user ID, password and old email address was; (That Internet Service Provider no longer exists).

So I then tried to sign up as a new user, mentioning the predicament, that my old ID is not recognized as ever existing (even though I have a copy of the confirmation e-mail from 2001) and I was rejected and told to use the reinstatement form that won't accept me because it does not recognize my old ID which I have confirmed in two places.

I was told by email from the no reply account:
If you had an account previously that has now lapsed, then you need to apply for this account to be reinstated. Please use the form at dmoz... reinstate.html for this. You will need to know your editor name and previous password. If you don't know either of these details, then please ask for help in the "Becoming an Editor" forum at resource-zone. It is usually possible for us to identify your account from other information you can supply, and we can then arrange for the password to be reset.
But the problem isn't the password, but that the account itself is not recognized.

Any constructive advice would be appreciated.



Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
Hi Yossarian, ;)
There is a matching editor account name - could you provide some more information to confirm I've got the right one?
Category - Full Name - Old email address - New email address would be enough - please send the information through the DMOZ feedback system (rather than posting here).
Once confirmed, I'll update the email address our system has for you, which will let the password reminder system work, and so enable the reinstatement to happen. :)


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
OK, your mail updated and a password reminder sent to you - remains the reinstate form to fill. Let me know if something doesn't work as expected.
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