I'm a US level editor, Netdetective, which means I have permissions to edit in all 50 states, and every Region, Metro, County, and Locality in each of them.
So, though my name doesn't appear at the bottom of each one of those category pages as the resident editor, I am very actively editing throughout those areas.
Some editors may edit in just one specific locality, so, that's where their name appears, but, they may also edit in a wide variety of Topical categories, depending on what their interests are, and where they've asked and been accepted to edit, so their name will appear in all of those areas, too.
There are different levels of editing permissions, the higher you go, also usually means an editor will have wider editing permissions in every category below that.
Editing permissions does not mean editing responsibility. I have access to every category in 50 states, but, that does not mean I'm responsible for reviewing every site suggestion in them. As a volunteer, I decide where I want to edit in those 50 states, on any given day, and whether I want to review site suggestions, do structure work, clean up existing listings, or go find sites on my own.
It's my free time, so I get to decide what I want to do with it, within my areas of permissions,