Category change after the editor application

I applied today to become an editor in the category This is a small subcategory which has an editor, but was not updated since June 2. I just realized that the category one level up does not have an editor. This one has 180 listings. I guess this one might be more appropriate to apply.

Now I have 2 questions:
a) Is it possible to change the category after the application?
b) Is a category with 180 listings too large for someone to start with?

BTW, I used the name "kcsurf" to apply. Thanks.


May 26, 2002
Yes, that would be too large to apply for, so you did right by starting at the bottom. However, once you have reviewed all the waiting sites in the unreviewed queue of the category you applied for (if you get it), and have built up some site listings in your editor bookmarks towards some new categories, once you have done a few hundred edits, it is possible to apply to edit adjacent categories. Once you have shown merit, you can apply to move up the tree. Applying to edit a category is just the same for exisiting editors as it is for new editors, except that as an existing editor you will then have an edit history to help decide the outcome of the application.
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