Category change, gone wrong


Nov 30, 2005

I have a quick question. Not sure if this will be classed as a status question or not?

Anyhow here goes.

Our site was listed in or quite sometime under a category for modchips.

I think this was the category:
Shopping: Toys and Games: Games: Video Games: Console: Accessories: Mod Chips

Anyhow, after the laws changed in the Uk which affected the sale of modchips we decided to remove any information/products which may be affect and of course thought we had better let you guys know.

So we submitted a change of category which was here I think:
Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Business and Economy: Shopping: Computer Games

Very quickly our listing got removed from this category and to my surprise we were totally removed from dmoz.

Now my question is do we now have a pending submission in the new category or should we resubmit?

It has been quite a while now, but I know you guys are very busy.

The website is although I think we were listed under the .com version of the URL.

Best regards,



Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Unfortunately, yes, that counts as a status question. I would expect that the site was moved from Shopping to the category you mentioned to await rereview but if you're concerned, there would be no harm in suggesting it again to the proper category.

To avoid the temptation for people to provide a status check where they shouldn't, I'm going to close this thread.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.