Category/Description change request-R.E.Appraisers



For approximately the last 5-6 years I’ve been listed in This particular category has NO editor. I understand the editors are all busy and possibly share in the placing of sites into categories and write descriptions for a new web site to be placed into a category in which an editor isn’t present. However, there are 2 issues I would like to address. After viewing my category and categories that are in a hierarchy above my category (for the last 5+ years), the description of my site needs to be a little more descriptive of the actual company and web site. For example; the present description reads - Specializes in residential appraisals. Includes information on services. When in fact a much more descriptive phrase that would indicate more information to a user would read - Pennsylvania real estate appraisers servicing Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Washington & Westmoreland Counties. “Short accurate and to the point”.

This leads me to the second issue and the heading of this thread. Not only am I requesting a description change but also at the same time requesting a category change from to which is the statewide list. By being located presently in such a small geographic area in the directory, it doesn’t adequately portray the web site or the main issue the Company in question. The Company not only operates in 5 Counties presently but, is expanding into another3 Counties shortly with plans for even more future expansion.

I have no idea where or how to get this information changed. Any help with these issues would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Bill B.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Re: Category/Description change request-R.E.Apprai

Regarding changing the description, you'd have to submit an Update URL request (and remember that there's no guarantee that the reviewing editor will agree with your proposed changes).

Regarding moving the listing to Business, this isn't an either/or situation. A listing in Regional does not preclude you from also suggesting an additional listing in Business/Real_Estate/Appraisal/Appraisers/Residential/United_States/Pennsylvania/ -- just go to that category and suggest your site again there.


Apr 15, 2003
Re: Category/Description change request-R.E.Apprai

Pennsylvania real estate appraisers --- most likely you won't get that in the description; generally they are worded to avoid repeating the category, so if you are in a Pennsylvania category, there is no need to repeat that in the description. Same with real estate and appraisers if those are in the the category name.

I do realize that the listings currently there do not follow that rule, but rules for listings have changed over time.

Re: Category/Description change request-R.E.Apprai

Both the other sites in that category had URL issues so I've updated the URLs and Titles and removed 'real estate' from the existing descriptions.

It's one of those categories where using 'appraisers' or 'appraisal' is going to be unavoidable to create a useful description. Synonyms dont actually have quite the same meanings - Valuer for instance is only a part of Appraiser.

I've left yours until you submit an update request, but that list of counties won't get in. Try: services <insert area here> specializing in <whatever county>.



Re: Category/Description change request-R.E.Apprai

Sorry to be a little slow, however, if I were to make a change from “Specializes in residential appraisals. Includes information on services.” to “Specializes in south western Pennsylvania residential appraisals. Includes information on services in Allegheny and surrounding Counties”, this would be acceptable to the directory rules?

Bill B.

Re: Category/Description change request-R.E.Apprai

Short answer - yes.

I can't speak for the descriptions acceptable in the Business categories - have a look at the existing ones for a feel for the style used there (and not in the United_States level but in ).

My suggestions were for an updated description for the Regional listing. Go to the category and on the top right there should be an "update URL" link. which is what you use for description changes. In the reason box explain why your description is innacurate or does not accuratly reflect the web site (adding keywords is not a reason to update litings).

It is acceptable for a site to be listed once in the Topical branch (sites grouped by topic - in this case residential appraisers) and once in Regional - the actual business location (not service area) where you are currently listed.



Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Re: Category/Description change request-R.E.Apprai

I doubt it would get accepted as is (especially the "in Allegheny and surrounding Counties" part) but you lose nothing by trying.
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