Category/Description change request-R.E.Appraisers



For approximately the last 5-6 years I’ve been listed in This particular category has NO editor. I understand the editors are all busy and possibly share in the placing of sites into categories and write descriptions for a new web site to be placed into a category in which an editor isn’t present. However, there are 2 issues I would like to address. After viewing my category and categories that are in a hierarchy above my category (for the last 5+ years), the description of my site needs to be a little more descriptive of the actual company and web site. For example; the present description reads - Specializes in residential appraisals. Includes information on services. When in fact a much more descriptive phrase that would indicate more information to a user would read - Pennsylvania real estate appraisers servicing Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Washington & Westmoreland Counties. “Short accurate and to the point”.

This leads me to the second issue and the heading of this thread. Not only am I requesting a description change but also at the same time requesting a category change from to which is the statewide list. By being located presently in such a small geographic area in the directory, it doesn’t adequately portray the web site or the main issue the Company in question. The Company not only operates in 5 Counties presently but, is expanding into another3 Counties shortly with plans for even more future expansion.

I have no idea where or how to get this information changed. Any help with these issues would be greatly appreciated. :confused: Thank you in advance. Bill


Aug 7, 2003
Your current listing of in looks okay to me.

Pennsylvania real estate appraisers servicing Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Washington & Westmoreland Counties. “Short accurate and to the point”.
This would be redundant as the category title already implies that you are Pennsylvania real estate appraisers. We try not to overstate the obvious. I would recommend reading

Your site is listed appropriately within the Regional category, as your business is physically located within the city of Pittsburgh. As far as getting listed in the Topical portion of the ODP, you should use the suggest URL link found at the top of the category page. You may end up with two listings, as you can be listed in both Regional and Topical.

BTW: Why did you start a new thread with the same question from another??


The description of the company site needs to be a little more descriptive to reflect not only the change in the industry but also the change in the company. After viewing the other descriptions within my category, this description should fall well within the guidelines. (Residential certified appraiser in and around Allegheny County.) For example; In this particular industry not all real estate appraisers are certified. Certified real estate appraisers can appraise all properties. Not all real estate appraisers are certified and therefore unable to appraise all properties. Also our office is not only located within Allegheny County but there are satellite locations in surrounding Counties (Beaver, Butler, Washington and Westmoreland Counties) and growing. Due to the growth of our business the type of ownership is being transferred from a single entity to multiple entities and therefore has undergone a name change to Pennsylvania Appraisers. This is why I am asking to change both the Title and Description presently indexed within the ODP directory to reflect the changes happening within my company. Thank you in advance, Bill

I wasn't aware you could do that. I was hoping someone might be able to help me out with this. I've put in for a change over a month (?) ago. The other 2 listings in my catagory have been changed & are very descriptive. While mine says a lot of nothing about nothing. This was writen by an editor (not me) 5-6 years ago & has been like this ever since. I would like to have this taken care of. Oh, I have been trying to get changes starting approx 4 years ago & try every year or two. It is getting very frustrating. :(


2 questions. 1) Since I messed up, which tread should be continued on?

I wasn't aware you could do that. I was hoping someone might be able to help me out with this. I've put in for a change over a month (?) ago. The other 2 listings in my catagory have been changed & are very descriptive. While mine says a lot of nothing about nothing. This was writen by an editor (not me) 5-6 years ago & has been like this ever since. I would like to have this taken care of. Oh, I have been trying to get changes starting approx 4 years ago & try every year or two. It is getting very frustrating. :(


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Re: Category/Description change request-R.E.Apprai

>> For approximately the last 5-6 years I’ve been listed in...

>> This was writen by an editor (not me) 5-6 years ago....

>> Oh, I have been trying to get changes starting approx 4 years ago & try every year or two.

Let's clarify the timeframe involved here. The site was originally listed approximately 2.5 years ago, not 5-6 years ago. Big difference.

There is no update request waiting in that category for your site so whatever you submitted a month ago didn't get through.


Re: Category/Description change request-R.E.Apprai

You are quite right! However, after looking at the NIC whois (just to verify dates because it’s been so long) the 2.5 years ago for the site being listed is only ½ true. The URL which the listing is currently indexed by was created according to NIC “Record created on April 08, 2001”. It was around this time that I started to request my listing (which by the way still reads as it does today) be changed in the description but foremost I needed a URL change from the original which according to NIC “Record created on January 28, 1999” and I listed with dmoz shortly afterwards. So, I guess it is closer to the 5 years & not the 6. :eek:

I do want to thank you for letting me know that somehow my request was no longer in the Que. I will request the information again and hopefully someone may be able to help me out. Thank you in advance for all your help.
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