Category Help

After a couple of years redesign, reformatting, re-this and re-that, we're *almost* ready to submit our Jim's Deli New York City Guide to ODP. (Yeah, the name is weird but it's a long story.)

The first category that appears to apply is:

But if I drill down one more level to...

...I see a couple of sites that are specifically travel guides but others that might be called general city guides. The first category appears to contain the same type of mix.

So, which would be the appropriate category?

Much thanks in advance,



Mar 1, 2002

With all due respect your unique content to affiliate content ratio is very low. I would suggest adding more unique content before you submit.

Thanks for your quick reply.

(As I got near the end of this and found how long-winded it is I figured nobody's going to read it. But, what the heck -- I'm almost done, maybe there's a valid point or two.)

I was concerned that because it is such a large site it would be hard to see that actually most of the pages do not contain affiliate links, but those that do are prominent. After looking at other sites listed in the above categories I used this rationale:

1) Of the more than 1,200 pages on the site half do not have affiliate links (oops, except for a simple ad banner).

2) Those that provide affiliate links have unique information wrapped around them. For example, our hotel pages provide personal reviews -- from visiting them -- of almost 100 NYC hotels. We haven't been to all of them yet, but add one or two new reviews each week. A short list of reviews can be found here:

3) Similarly, our Broadway theatre pages, besides the basic info, provide a review (if we've seen it) information on Tony Awards a show has won, background on prior productions, a large section on landmark theatres and their histories, shows that might or might not get to Broadway, etc. So something like:

would lead you here:


and here:

That all adds up to a lot of research.

4) Admittedly, our book section is all affiliate links -- to New York City books we think are good. It's a service and we use our own words. Mostly. You will find something like this: "Okay, you caught us. We haven't looked at this one yet and haven't been able to find out enough about it to fake it. Just threw it in to try to even up the page a bit."

5) The majority of our pages are actually in our Events, Music & Dance and Museum sections, which do not have affiliate links.

That's too much for now. Again, I appreciate your quick reply before and will spend some time mulling thins over.

If I made any valid points in my above rambling I'd appreciate you letting me know.

Thanks again,

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