Category not getting updated


We have tried listing our site in the DMOZ and it just never seems to get listed and we never get a reply as to why. One of our employees has attempted 2 times over the years with no success.

We recently noticed that there was a new editor listed in the category Top: Shopping: Sports: Paintball but so far haven't seen any updates

Can anyone tell us why our site <url removed> would be continuously be denied or ignored? Our site is a perfect fit for the category submitted to and has always followed the rules for submissions and waited patiently.

Anyone care to comment?




Jan 23, 2003
and we never get a reply as to why.

We don't do replies.

Can anyone tell us why our site would be continuously be denied or ignored?

It has probably never been reviewed by an editor. That is almost always the case, especially in Shopping where editors can spend their entire lives cleaning out spam and seemingly never adding any sites.

Many editors -- even those with broad permissions -- will never go near the place.

"Many editors -- even those with broad permissions -- will never go near the place."

So if your site isn't already listed there then you might as well forget about it?

Ok, I volunteer myself to edit the entire shopping category, I will go in and remove all spam links, review every site in waiting, add them, deny them and get it all caught up for the current editors!

If I dont get the entire category finished in 3 days or I remove any competitors sites then DMOZ can blacklist us forever.

spectregunner said:
Sure, there are only 80,000+ requests sitting in the pool. Dive right in. :)

Thats all! Wow maybe I could finish that in a day! Just kidding. I know everyone does this for free and there is a lot of crap to sort through to get to sites that actually deserve to be listed but I'm sure even the editors can understand the frustration of waiting it out and seeing no updates after months.

I believe being listed at the DMOZ does make some customers feel more comfortable placing an order with a company who is listed in the directory over those who are not. WHich is why it is very important for us to be listed.


Nov 7, 2006
Of course we understand, but it's just as important to the other 79,999 site owners, :), and that's only one small area of the total Directory. Gunner is right, I wouldn't touch Shopping, there are too many other more pleasant places to volunteer my time.

Well thanks for the responses. We will continue to wait and hope that an editor finds time to add our site sometime in the future.

Hi Guys,

Anyone have an answer for this one? Our site was finally listed and we thought all was well. Then it just disappeared from the directory and hasn't been added again a few months back. It was up for only a short time and we made no changes that would have warranted it being removed.

Any mods have an idea on what happened to our listing? Thanks in advance.



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
As with all websites that are removed from the directory there are several posibilities

- one of our tools noticed the sites was not available for some time -> the website was moved out of public view for an editor to check the website
- the website did not meet our guidelines, either the website or the guidelines changed -> the website is removed
- the website did fit better in an other category -> it was moved and is now waiting review in the other category
- sometimes a website is listed by mistake (we are human and can make mistakes) -> it showed for some time but when the mistake was noticed it is either moved out of public view for a new review (in the same or other category) or it is deleted
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.