Category Not Updated In 4 Years


Jun 22, 2004
The category I submitted my site to hasn't been updated in 4 years, according to the date at the bottom of the page. I've been trying to get my site listed for over a year now. My site used to be listed 5 years ago but I took the site down and just relaunched it last year.

The category is <category removed, of no relevance here>

Could someone please look into this?


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
1. The "last update" counter is currently broken. This is a known bug which is not very high on the priority list of things to fix in the new DMOZ2.0 software, so expect it to take a while.

2. Even if the last update would be 5 years ago, there is nothing we would want to "look into". being an editor for the ODP is a voluntary task, and our editors are free to edit where they want and as much as they want. So if noone would be interested in editing a specific category for 5 years, that's nothing we are able to change.

And regarding your site: If you deliberately take it down for a period of time, please don't blame us for detecting that and removing the site. :)


Sep 17, 2011
Even if the last update would be 5 years ago, there is nothing we would want to "look into". being an editor for the ODP is a voluntary task, and our editors are free to edit where they want and as much as they want. So if noone would be interested in editing a specific category for 5 years, that's nothing we are able to change.

Windharp, how does the fact an editor can simply vanish tally with the request that submissions should be made to the correct and most accurate directory pages?

Surely submissions should be made to pages that have the most active editors and be 'close enough' in this case? Is there really no process to simply delete an editor if they have not been edited for XX months? Not to punish them, but to open the doors to someone who is willing to actively volunteer to the upkeep of the directory?


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Is there really no process to simply delete an editor if they have not been edited for XX months? Not to punish them, but to open the doors to someone who is willing to actively volunteer to the upkeep of the directory?
Yes there is, but that's for security reasons. However, an inactive editor isn't blocking a category because senior editors can and do edit anywhere. Also, we're usually quite happy to have several named editors in a category. I don't have named permissions in Ireland for example but I spent most of yesterday editing many different categories there :).

The real problem is shortage of volunteers. If you think this project is important, why don't you?
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.