Category problem



When you do a search on our company it shows the directory we are in, but when you click the link and go to where it says we are....we aren't there. We use to be there. Actually, we would like to be in another category. I had difficulty finding the best way to go about doing that. Let me know if you need specific information to help me with this problem. Thanks


The search database is only updated (usually) weekly. The site you're looking for has certainly been moved but the search data hasn't been updated yet. So no bug here.

Nobody can give you more information without knowing the URL.

renlor is our site. If you do a search on teamquest it says we are under Business: E-Commerce: Technology Vendors. I checked this at least a week ago and we weren't there either. If we were moved, how did that happen. We didn't like where we were put, but wonder where we will end up. Is there some way of finding out?
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