Category Problem



Hi, I attempted to put the URL of my site in the subject line of this posting, but it wouldn't fit. It is My problem revolves around the fact that my site could fit into a few categories in the ODP, and how to legitimitately attempt to have it listed "correctly".

My site is already listed in , but I believe it could equally correctly be listed in,,, and possibly others that I have not searched out.

Here is history of my site at ODP:
1. In November 2003 I submitted my site to , and within a few weeks it was listed on
2. A few weeks ago I sent a message through , where I said that while I had no objection to my site being listed on the ODP page relating to Consumer Information and Travel, would someone also please consider placing my site in the general Consumer Information section, i.e. the page to which I had originally submitted it. The reason I gave for this additional listing request was that persons other that travelers would be unlikely to find my site if it is only listed under Travel , and my site's coverage is not restricted to travelers. I have had no response, and my site has not been added to
3. I have not submitted my site to any other section of ODP, nor sent any other messages to any ODP editors, or ever received a message from ODP.

I have thought about resubmitting my site to , as well as submitting it to and , but I don't want to fall foul of anti-spamming multiple submission rules. I certainly don't want my site banned. Is there some reductionist rule in ODP, that I am not aware of, that means that while a site covers more than one category, it should not be placed in the "parent" category, or in other equally appropriate categories? What should I do? Any comments would be most welcome. Thank you.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>... ... could fit into a few categories in the ODP...

>... listed in , but I believe it could equally correctly be listed in,,, and possibly others that I have not searched out.

True. However, that's not because it's a good fit for all of those -- it isn't -- but because it's a very BAD fit for Travel! It has nothing whatsoever to do with either travel or, say, immigration -- that classification was the same kind of marketroidish thinking that gets pen-and-pencil-set retailers submitted to Arts/Literature (because authors use pens. I am not making that up...) So your instinct to move it up out of the Travel subcategory is good.

On the other hand, it really doesn't go at the top level of Consumer Information: it's a very focused site.

I'd therefore (1) ask what kind of business "money transfer" is. It's a FINANCIAL kind of service, right? And (2) where would THAT go? See, there's a "@Personal Finance" subcategory (which is actually "Home/Personal_Finance".) And that category contains a wide variety of (purportedly) informational sites about all sorts of aspects of personal finance. Nothing specific about money transfer -- but that just means your site might be unique content, which is a Good_Thing in this context. So that's where I'd send it, with fair confidence that I was correct.

IMO, Regional/N.A./Canada is no place for a site which purports to be of global interest.

Caveat: I'm not a heavy Home editor, so there might possibly be a still better place. Half a million is a LOT of categories, and there are a few ... hundred thousand ... of them I've never laid eyes on.


Thanks again Hutcheson. While I am very keen to be listed in the category to which you have so kindly submitted my site, the other category to which you made an allusion is, so far at least, exclusively a list of businesses that actually offer money transfer services. The guidelines in that category don't explicitly cut out a consumer guide type of site such as mine, but I hesitated months ago when I looked at that category, as I do now. The reason for my hesitation is simply that I want to be correctly listed in the Home section and not be banned for apparent spamming by submitting to an additional category. Any thoughts?

Best regards


Nov 6, 2002
I don't think submitting your site there was the hint that hutcheson was hinting. Have you noticed the link at the bottom of the category labelled "Volunteer to edit this category"? I wonder what would happen if you clicked on it.


My wife would probably file for divorce if I were to volunteer to be an editor, as I spend so much time already just looking after my own web site. Very flattering comments nevertheless. Thanks to all.


May 26, 2002
Some very small categies only need an hour of tending every month or so to keep them pristine, though you can spend any amount you like looking for new and relevant sites to add to such categories.


Perhaps I am a bit thick, but I don't understand your post Giz. You see, Hutcheson said yesterday, our time, that my site was incorrectly listed in the ...Travel category, and that he was moving it to the ....Personal Finace category. Would you please clarify your comment. Thank you.


Sorry Giz, Because our first 2 posts today in this threads "crossed", my reply to your post was silly.

I will keep in mind the information about how much time may be involved in being a volunteer.

As to the issue of my site having been removed from the "wrong" category, while apparently not having been put in the "right" one, would someone please let me know if there is a problem. Thank you.


Nov 6, 2002
The public directory pages can take several days to reflect recent changes. I just checked, your site is in the database for Home/Personal_Finance but does not yet appear on the public page.

If you don't see the listing a week from yesterday that will be a sign of a problem, so you should then check back here. But I'm not worried yet.


Nov 6, 2002
I'm not complaining. If it were my site and I didn't know about the update cycle, I'd have worried myself.


Thanks everyone for your assistance. My site is now listed on the correct page in ODP. What with that and an article about my site in the Boston Globe today I am a very, very happy man. (Sorry I can't give a link to the article as that would constitute abuse of the Resouce Zone rules, I'm sure.)
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