Category Site Selection


May 29, 2007
I submitted my site to the Society:, Paranormal:, Psychic:, Animals, section to DMOZ the first of March. I have read that if after 3 months you are not listed to check on what may be the reason why. I am not supposed to mention the site here but it is under the name Lori Wright and is in the Animal Communication area of your directory. I understand you have too few people to give reports out. Can I find out if I at least placed it in the right category or if it has been looked at by that editor? Thank you so much ~Lori


Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005
Hi Lori

I'm afraid we do not have the time to give out that information for everyone. You are right in that it will have to wait until an editor gets round to that category which may be some time.

From the category name, if you have placed it there, then it is either correct or close enough and the reviewer will move it. We get many misplaced sites and it is not a problem.

Incidentally if you have a bricks and mortar address that people expect to contact or visit you at, you can suggest your site under regional in the category for that locality.

Then don't worry about the listing, and go on finding other ways to promote and improve your site. That way lies success.

Thanks for suggesting your site



May 13, 2007
lorettawright said:
I submitted my site to the Society:, Paranormal:, Psychic:, Animals, section to DMOZ the first of March. I have read that if after 3 months you are not listed to check on what may be the reason why.

The most likely reason is that it hasn't been reviewed by an editor yet. It can take anywhere from a few minutes to several years for a new submission to get reviewed. It will eventually get reviewed and when it is it will either be listed or it won't. Other than periodically searching dmoz for your domain name there isn't really much else you can do to find out.

It used to be the case that we could provide status checks on these forums, but as this announcement explains, we had to stop doing that.

My advice would be to submit once to the most appropriate category you can; and then forget about it and go spend your time building your site or concentrating on other ways of promoting your website.


Jun 18, 2007
Good lord - internetocracy

Think about this statement for a moment:

It can take anywhere from a few minutes to several years for a new submission to get reviewed. It will eventually get reviewed and when it is it will either be listed or it won't.

I don't want to start off on someone's bad side, but this simply cannot be an acceptable approach to the an open directory project. If the surety is "it will be reviewed in a few minutes or several years and when, after several years, we decide it should not be listed, it won't." In the meantime, during these several years, find something else to do.

Come on - open a cold beer, sit back and enjoy this moment - you just invented internetocracy.

Seriously, there has to be a better answer than that; otherwise, the OPD has no future.



Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Unfortunately, it's the way it is. We don't know if a suggested site is listable until someone reviews it and, since editors choose where they edit and how often they edit, we can offer no guarantees of when someone might get around to reviewing any given suggested site. It could be a matter of a day or it could be years. And if the site is unlistable, then the result of that review, be it done within a day or within years, will be no listing.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.