Category suggestion


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2012
Username submitted: kingavineshsingh

Hello Everyone,

I didn't created this thread to check status of my application, Just had some questions. :)

I recently applied for this category:
to edit.

Actually, I was born in this district and it's my birth place. So, I was guessing that chances to be selected to edit a category which is your birth place is more.(Still, Editors know the best)
This category has only 2 submitted URLs.

So, I wanted to know from some Editors and some well experience members that What are chances to get selected to edit the category which has 2 URLs, Birth place of mine :) and which Don't attract spam ?

I wish I could edit this category, It would be great pleasure to edit category where you live and where you born :)


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
To know what the chances are we would have to evaluate the application. That will happen in time but not on request. Please be patient.

The number of listed sites can be an indication about the suitability for a new editor.
To many (over 100 listings) normaly is a sign that the category is tio big and camplex for a new editor.
To few (less than 10 à 15) could indicate that there are not many sites to be listed in the category. Which also could mean that the category is not suitable for a new editor as there would be nothing to do for the editor in such a category.
If this category is suitable will be determined during evaluation of the application.
Keep in mind that within Regional we list websites based on their locality
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