Change of Email Address - How do I update DMOZ without resubmitting?

Mar 28, 2007
My personal email address was on my original website submission to Network Solutions in 1999, back when it was required. As a result, my email address has apparently been sold thousands of times and even with good SPAM protection I was receiving over 300 SPAM messages each day!

So I deleted the old email address and created a new one for myself. I have 2 sites that I've suggested to DMOZ, both over 2 years ago (most recently about 8 months ago). I don't want to jeopardize my position in line, but if an editor attempts to contact me, he/she will get an undeliverable for my email address which may reflect poorly on my domain (and listing suggestion) as a whole.

Is there anyway I can update the email address on my site suggestions without having to re-suggest the websites? Thanks for your help.


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
An editor wouldn't contact a submitter regarding a site. In a few very rare instances the editor may need to contact the site owner though. This would be done through the information on the site itself, not by responding to the email used in the suggestion. Not all submitters of sites are the site owners. ;)

I don't think you have anything to worry about. Just make sure the contact information on the site is correct.
Mar 28, 2007
Thank you; your reply helps and is greatly appreciated. Both sites have "Contact Us" pages with accurate information. I really didn't want to re-suggest as I've also read that an Editor has to delete all previous entries for the same domain.


Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005
I've also read that an Editor has to delete all previous entries for the same domain
:) That is where people suggest an url to more than one category or various deeplinks to the same category - both frowned upon. If you resuggest the same url to the same category, it just overwrites the previous suggestion so is usually no problem.

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