Change to correct category -



Not sure how it happened, or maybe I even submitted to the wrong category ages ago, but our site is currently listed in:

That's kind of correct since we do offer a type of awards program, but since the site offers a service to create printable award certificates for students and children, it's really more of a resource for the Education / Homeschooling market.

So I'm thinking something like would be much more appropriate.

I'd have never realized it, except that a teacher who happened by the site a few weeks back pointed out to me how hard it was to find us in the Business category. Already sent in an Update URL request when the teacher contacted me, but no movement yet.

Thanks for giving it a look!


You submitted to Kids_and_Teens, and it got moved to where it is now. The category is for trophy-type awards, but you have to admit that this is a better placement than somewhere in Kids_and_Teens.


ahhh...that brings back the memories kctipton.

Yes it was originally in Kids_and_Teens since when it first started there were just a few dozen certificates which were for kids to give to each other. Then we got swamped with requests from teachers and homeschooling parents. I should have remembered that and requested the category move back when we changed the focus of the site.

bobrat - I think you may have hit on an even better category suggestion. Works for me!

Thanks again for your expertise.


I just wanted to skip back through to thank whoever the kind angel was who got our site into the correct area in such an amazingly timely manner. Much appreciated.

Thanks also to bobrat for suggesting an even more appropriate category. And to kctipton for jogging my memory.

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