changes to


May 28, 2004
Hi, a little over a month ago (sorry, forgot to make a note on my calendar) I requested two changes be made to our site. One was a change in the description since there had been some very significant changes made in how we operate. This site description was changed (thank you :)) but I notice that since then, when typing our company name into the Google search engine, we no longer come up first on the resulting list. In fact, our home page does not come up at all. We were wondering why this has happened. Did I forget to add something to the URL to make the page come up? :confused:
Second question: We also put in a submission to have our site added to the online comics section but didn't specify which type of comic. We think that comic strips would be more where we would fit. We haven't heard back on this back yet and don't see us listed in the online comic area so we were wondering what the status is on that submission.
Thank you for your time and help. ;)


Mar 8, 2004
I can't give you a status on either of your submissions, but you are listed in [cat]Arts/Comics/Publishers/R[/cat]. If you want a submission status on your update or new submissions, you'll need to specify where you made the submissions.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.