Changing a description

Feb 8, 2006
Our company has been listed in DMOZ for quite some time and we noticed that there was a serious error with the description (our fault of course).
I edited the description on DMOZ about a month ago but am still seeing the old text.

This is seriously affecting our sincere SEO work.
The web site is

Can anyone tell me how long a change linke this can take?
Many thanks


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
I edited the description on DMOZ about a month ago but am still seeing the old text.
I presume you mean you provided a suggestion for a change using the "update listing" link...

Such update requests tend to be dealt with much more quickly than normal site suggestions, but of course there is no reliable time-estimate. (Where I usually edit, update requests are typically dealt with within a week, though it may be *signficantly* longer in other categories.) However, note that all changes are at the editors discretion, and if the current description is fine according to our editing guidelines, the submitted suggestion is likely to be discarded.

That said, have you looked at the listing at recently? It looks like the page was refreshed yesterday - perhaps your listing has just been updated?

Note that once the master category page has changed, it takes up to a week for the search function to update, and longer still for downstream data users (eg google) to pick up on any changes.
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