I took a look at your website, and it's clear to me that your lodging meets our definition of "Inn," not "Bed and Breakfast". Honestly, I didn't even have to check -- I've stayed at your establishment (nice place!), and it is definitely a "country inn".
I note that your website identifies your establishment as a "Bed and Breakfast Country Inn" which means that even your marketers know that it offers more services than a typical bed and breakfast. And in the Select Registry (
http://www.selectregistry.com/inns/inn.aspx?InnID=228 ), you market yourselves as an "Elegant Country Inn". Yes, I know you offer breakfast in your room rates, but so do a lot of Comfort Inns, Amerisuites, and the like; we don't list them as B&B's either.
The AAA guidebooks classify your establishment as a Country Inn, and since we basically use their definitions, we are
extremely unlikely to class it as something else. If I were you, I wouldn't bother wasting time trying to move your listing.
Being listed as an inn means that you offer more services than a typical B&B. Look at the listing as an honor, rather than as a disadvantage.