Changing categories for a website



Can anyone please tell me the secret to getting the category of my website changed from "Inn" to "bed and breakfast"
I have sent numerous change requests to editors with not luck
What is the secret.
We really fit more into the description of Bed and breakfast than INN


Mar 25, 2002
Did you try the "update URL" link in the top right-hand corner of the category where your site is listed?

You may know your business model, but we can only judge based on what the site says. My understanding (off the top of my head) of the difference is basically that an Inn is a B&B that includes a restaurant.

donaldb is correct, regarding the way to request a category change, but if the reviewing editor sees that the site says it's an Inn, that's where it's going to stay listed.


Thank you donaldb for the advise by I am having a difficult time getting on the dmoz website to change the category
everytime I do I get an error message saying access denied.
any suggestions.


Most people consider us a bed and breakfast because the restaurant is a separate business. Would like to have guests find us under the right category since our rates only include breakfast and room
You are right in your interpretation but the general public does not know that difference that is why I would like to get it changed.
Any suggestions for me to get this accomplished.


Mar 25, 2002
THere are still some issues with the servers since the upgrades. Either keep trying in off-peak hours (when most of the people in the U.S. are sleeping), or come back in a couple of weeks when bugs have been cleaned up.


Thank you so much for your information. Apparently someone got thru today and was able to update. Let's hope that it works for us. It is very frustrating to get a category changed for such a simple thing, Inn versus bed and breakfast
We moved her in New hampshire from Toronto. miss the big city but really enjoy New Hampshire and the beauty


Curlie Admin
Aug 2, 2002
I took a look at your website, and it's clear to me that your lodging meets our definition of "Inn," not "Bed and Breakfast". Honestly, I didn't even have to check -- I've stayed at your establishment (nice place!), and it is definitely a "country inn".

I note that your website identifies your establishment as a "Bed and Breakfast Country Inn" which means that even your marketers know that it offers more services than a typical bed and breakfast. And in the Select Registry ( ), you market yourselves as an "Elegant Country Inn". Yes, I know you offer breakfast in your room rates, but so do a lot of Comfort Inns, Amerisuites, and the like; we don't list them as B&B's either.

The AAA guidebooks classify your establishment as a Country Inn, and since we basically use their definitions, we are extremely unlikely to class it as something else. If I were you, I wouldn't bother wasting time trying to move your listing.

Being listed as an inn means that you offer more services than a typical B&B. Look at the listing as an honor, rather than as a disadvantage.


Yes, when you fully understand the finer details of the hospitality industry you are right in viewing us as an Inn instead of a regular Bed & Breakfast. But our experience has been the majority of our guests that find out about us, don't have this understanding. They see us as a Bed & Breakfast, because we are owned by some large corporation. This still is a family owned and run lodge, where we provide the personal hospitality and touch you would find in the thousands of other bed and breakfasts out there. The fact that we offer afternoon tea and fine dining is really just an extra feature. When you come to the Manor on Golden Pond, just like any other bed & breakfast, you are greeted by the owners and have more of a personal one-on-one experience. It is more common for people to be searching for a "Bed & Breakfast" where they expect the type of owner owned and personal service we provide.

The key reason we want to change the listing not to fight to try and "re-educate" the general masses about the fine differences between an Inn or B&B. To be honest as a small business we need to be more practical, and that is to fill rooms to stay in business.


Aug 22, 2003
"Country inn" sounds nice and homey to me too, just as a data point. (-:

It might be a nice idea to add a description to the "inn" subcat. Right now the "B&B" subcat says breakfast is served there, but the "inn" subcat says nothing at all; if the "inn" description said all meals were available in addition to other amenities, then the potential confusion surfers might have would disappear, wouldn't it?

[edited to add:] By the way, the description on your particular listing says "Bed and breakfast inn," so it would seem your own customers aren't likely to be confused by the listing either way. (-:


I realize that Inn does convey that the same homey atmosphere but trying to reeducate the world on the difference between Inn versus bed and breakfast is a huge task and not one I care to not take on at this time.
Our website does convey that we are the next step up from the homestay bed and breakfast but if we stay in the Inn category it does punish us because all of our competitors in the same area are listed under bed and breakfast even though they have "Inn" in their names also.
The category Inn does mostly refer to Inns that are chain motels which we do not enjoy being associated with.
We are definitely an upscale bed and breakfast which includes not just accommodations with a full breakfast involved but also many other amentities such as fine dining and luxury above the norm.
If anyone would please help me change this category I would appreciate your help


Nov 6, 2002
We do understand your reasoning, and I'm pretty sure that in your position I'd feel the same way. Now, please try to understand our reasons for doing what we do.

We are a directory, not a listing service. Our customers are the users of the web, not the owners of sites. We will always attempt to classify web sites by standard English definitions using available reference works (such as the AAA guide mentioned above) to determine categories. We will usually succeed in this attempt.

I believe that, by the standards and guidelines we use, we have correctly classified your site as belonging to an inn, and I do not believe we are at all likely to change it.


Aug 14, 2002
...all of our competitors in the same area are listed under bed and breakfast even though they have "Inn" in their names also.

But what's in a name? We've learned not to go by the name of a place, but to look at what each establishment offers. Holiday Inn goes in neither B&B, not Inns, but "Hotels and Motels."

The category Inn does mostly refer to Inns that are chain motels...

This concerns me. Chain motels should be in "Hotels_and_Motels." I checked to see if any motels had sneaked into your category. However, the category is clean. You're in a class apart - the only listing in your category.

I think we've treated your listing very well. It could be argued that you have too many keywords, but I won't change it. :)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I think this has reached the limits of permissable discussion. You understand why the decision was made, and you know how to go about changing it -- that is, you start by persuading the AAA to change their guidebook taxonomy. Until that's done, nothing more can be done in this forum.
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