changing categories


Feb 10, 2005
I've been trying to have my site moved to a more appropriate category. Or at least the category above where my direct competitors have been placed. They sell handcrafted chairs, whereas I sell chairs and tables, etc.

I'm currently in:

I want to move to:

Based on the ODP description of these categories however, I can see that this might not happen.

The category i'm listed in states:
This category lists sites of individual furniture makers selling their handcrafted products online.

The category I wish to be moved to states:
This category lists sites offering furniture handcrafted by a staff of artisans, or importation of unique items. Since this is a shopping category, you must list your prices and have a contact number, email address or shopping cart. The web sites of independent, professional or amateur furniture makers that offer their personally handcrafted products for retail sale should be submitted to Shopping/Crafts/Woodcraft/Furniture.

However, two of my main competitors are listed in a sub-category of this, with the following desc:
Sites that sell only handcrafted chairs should be submitted to this category.

These two competitors are individual artists (like me); not a staff of artisans (referring to the desc for Shopping/Home_and_Garden/Furniture/Handcrafted, parent category in which they are listed). Even though they sell "only chairs", how did they get their site listed in this sub-category?

The category "shopping/crafts" (the parent category where I'm listed) suggests "crafty" bird houses, or even small furniture accents. I sell $4,000 rocking chairs (among other fine furniture) like my competitors, so I feel that a better listing is the home-and-garden/furniture; which is 1 above my competitors. It just makes sense this way.

If I remove the "other furniture" from my site, so that all I offer is the rocking chairs and chairs, would I then be approved for a move to:

I'm willing to make this change, as I don't make woodcraft (crafty) items. I make high-end furniture for the home; most of which is rocking chairs.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Don't go modifying your site while we're trying to figure out where it goes -- that looks SO manipulative.

Let us look at the overall may be that there's a better or more consistent way we could handle the taxonomy there.


Feb 10, 2005
no sir, I wouldn't do that...and I'm certainly not trying to be manipulative.

I assumed that I would not get moved, since my past requests have failed. And, after finally having read the descriptions realized that I would probably never get moved; no matter how many times I requested it.

So I came here for additional direction.

Thanks for the support!


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
On initial examination, it looks like the mistake related to the other sites, not yours. And, no matter how many times we get asked (and they are legion!), we don't consider mistakes to be irrefutable, inescapable precedents.

Perhaps what needs to happen is that the "chair" category be split between individual and group sites.

I do think your categorization of the other sites in your current (handcrafted furniture) category is ... um, in very poor taste as well as imprecise beyond measure.


Feb 10, 2005
sorry again hutcheson, I certainly didn't mean to imply that the sites themselves, or that the work that the artists produce is anything less than superb...

I only meant that the word "woodcraft" (i.e., crafty) isn't as nice as the word "handcrafted". my poor choice in words.


Apr 15, 2003
I have to agree with you on the wording sounding wrong [I do custom cabinet making as a hobby] - it looks like things are kind of mixed up in those categories. But for the moment you have to live with what's there. does seem the correct place, as it emphasises the unique handcrafted/ buy direct from the make aspect. The other Shopping category seems more appropriate for a store buying from a manufacture then reselling. However, sites may not have been placed correctly,and rather than push you to the wrong category - it would be better to move the misplaced sites.

Personally I think it's better you stay in a category which emphasises what you produce.
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