Changing description?



Can someone please help me to understand something?

I am following up from this thread:

One site I oversee now ( was in the Shopping > Jewelry cat. Now they've reorganized all sites into Shopping > Jewelry > Varied Merchandise > whatever. That's fine, I'm glad you guys reorganized it and split it up because it was becoming too crowded and chaotic...

Now I don't mean to be anal or a pain in the *** but why was my description chopped? It was and still remains accurate?? There was no repetition of keywords or spam in the previous one?

It was previously:
Gold and diamond jewelry for men and women, including chains, bracelets, omega necklaces, engagement rings, and wedding bands.

Now it is only:
Including chains, bracelets, omega necklaces, engagement rings, and wedding bands.

Why did they strip it down? Isn't this a violation of your standards? Some of the most important keywords were removed "gold and diamond jewelry" I don't understand why you chose the less descriptive version.

Should I request a change in description? Will the guy only laugh at me?? <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> I don't want to cause trouble, but it strikes me as very odd and suspicious they would chop my description.

Some insights would be appreciated. Thank you.


Mar 19, 2003
Just to explain how the guidelines work in this kind of situation:

If the category name is Shopping/Jewelry then you don't need the words shopping or jewelry in the description. Also a description that says "plums, apples, oranges, lemons and bananas" is commonly shortened to "different types of fruit".

This is to prevent a) every Shopping/Jewelry site having the same description and b) sites having keyword-stuffed descriptions. It's a valid description if it describes what the site is about and what features it has.

There's a start.


I see what you're saying. Jewelry sites sell gold, diamonds, platinum, pearls, gemstones and fashion jewelry.

When I originally wrote that description about 1-1/2 yrs ago, I was trying to make my description more clear that there was mainly only gold and diamond jewelry.

I guess I'll reword it and submit it, something like:

Specializes in diamonds and gold including chains, bracelets and necklaces, as well as diamond engagement rings and wedding bands available in platinum.

(no mention of the world jewelry since it's redundant) I'll mull over my new description a little more and resubmit it later <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


Mar 25, 2002
Describe the purpose or subject of the web site and describe the features or content of the web site. That's the simple formula for writing a description as per the Guidelines <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


Mar 19, 2003
My reaction to your reworded description would still be that it is keyword stuffed. You can say that you sell jewelry without having to mention all of diamonds, gold, platinum, engagement rings, wedding bands, chains, necklaces and bracelets.

What is your main specialty, e.g. diamonds, watches, bespoke jewelry? What unique features do you have, e.g. gemologist, international delivery?

A good non-keyword stuffed description for a standard jeweler might be something like:

Specializes in diamonds and watches. Online catalog, ordering information and opening hours. Based in Chicago, Illinois.

Hope that helps.


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
I'm the one who is reworking the format of Shopping/Jewelry and in moving many of the sites I found descriptions that didn't meet guidelines and changed them as I moved the listing. I can promise yours wasn't the only one <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> (by far) who had their description changed.

I agree with John. I wouldn't use your reworded description if I ran personally ran across that in an update. It still strikes me as key word stuffed. I would find "Specializes in diamonds and gold including chains, bracelets and necklaces" to be possible and in fact likely acceptable, but wouldn't add in the word diamond a second time or the words following. The purpose isn't to include everything single item offered on a site or add key words but rather to give an idea to a user what content can be found at that site. Definately if you have special information on your site, or offer special services that can be considered.

I can't promise we will use a description submitted by you, but I can promise whatever you submit will be looked at and considered. Good luck <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" /> I hope we've helped


Thank you for your help. There is an interactive diamond database coming soon where you can build rings and earrings, etc. with 3D rotating images of rings and stuff, plus some pearl jewelry and maybe gemstone jewelry, so I guess I'll hold off another month or so until all the new features / products are added before I bother you guys again <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

Thank you.


Mar 25, 2002
Sounds interesting. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

A comment about update requests in general - I am far more likely to ignore a request outright if it just strikes me as keyword stuffing. But when I find an update that is a minor change from the existing one - perhaps a different set of three items, a slight rephrasing, or new features on the site - I am more likely to accept it. In other words, look at the style being used in the category, understand the guidelines, avoid hype, marketing and keyword stuff, and stick to the facts. With this, you are more likely to end up with the description you ask for.

Best Wishes! <img src="/images/icons/cool.gif" alt="" />
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