Chasing Tails


Jul 15, 2005
After first submitting my site in 2007 and twice since then, I finally emailed the category editor who emailed me back saying he had asked to be listed on my site the day prior. He said he would look at my dmoz submission. After several follow-up emails he said that my site was now missing from his queue and that I should re-submit once again. After doing so, and exchanging more emails he said that he felt the site would be better in another category and had confirmed this with a senior editor and that the listing was already reviewed. After more email exchanges he said that it was a misunderstanding since there is no editor for that small category with only 2 listings to tell about my listing but that the submission had been reviewed and approved for this category by both editor and senior editor.

Received on Feb 21, 2009 from the category editor:

<email contents removed>


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I've removed the e-mail contents from your post.

We can't address issues with specific suggested sites here. If a senior editor actually reviewed and approved your site for listing, they wouldn't have to wait for you to suggest your site or for the editor you've been in contact with to move it -- they could just move it or list it themselves. So it sounds like the editor you wrote is experiencing some confusion, which he can get help with in the internal forums.
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