check status of


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
First: You do not need an answer to the second question. The submittal policy says what to do. There is no need to resubmit; there are some very good reasons not to resubmit (some of which you may not care about); and there are some fair reasons that you may care about. But all that doesn't matter. The submittal policy rules. Nothing we say can change that, for over 99% of all submittals.

Having said that: yes, it's a "competitive" area, as Google will happily tell you, so you can obviously expect especially long delays for two reasons; (1) there's a lot of other stuff to review; (2) reviewing more of the same sort of sites is relatively speaking, unproductive -- we do better looking for DIFFERENT kinds of sites; so editors tend to focus on the more productive stuff.

It is perhaps not so obvious, that most of the sites are worse than worthless -- a big hype with a few pizzley classified ads draped over the side. That takes a lot of the fun out of editing. So expect very long delays at best, and very high and rising standards for inclusion (we can afford them, in that jungle). An editor could review sites all day, and not find a single one worth recommending to a surfer. So -- if you think you're seeing all the editor activity, you're not seeing one in twenty edits, and probably not one in fifty.

Finally, your submittal is still there. If it had been rejected, there would be no point in resubmitting. And since it is still there (and will remain till an editor reviews it) there is no point in resubmitting.

I don't know why people think resubmitting is the solution to everything. It almost never is.
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