Checking on Waiting Time, Editor Help?


Mar 24, 2006
Newbie here with a couple questions.

In what ways do the editors help genuine webmasters with appropriate content get listed?

In what ways are editors or ODP putting a system in place to address concerns of people who are submitting appropriate sites with appropriate content?

In what ways can a submitter appeal to an editor? Is there training in place to insure editors are not exercising arbitrary or erroneous judgment on sites?

In what ways can a submitter get an answer on the status of submission or what systems are in place to do so?



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
giantpigeon said:
In what ways do the editors help genuine webmasters with appropriate content get listed?
None at all. It is not DMOZ task to help webamsters.

giantpigeon said:
In what ways are editors or ODP putting a system in place to address concerns of people who are submitting appropriate sites with appropriate content?

giantpigeon said:
In what ways can a submitter appeal to an editor?
None. Unless you want to file an abuse report, but you will need prove of abuse (claiming "my site isn't listed" isn't prove)

giantpigeon said:
Is there training in place to insure editors are not exercising arbitrary or erroneous judgment on sites?
Editors can get all the help they want from other editors.

giantpigeon said:
In what ways can a submitter get an answer on the status of submission or what systems are in place to do so?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>In what ways do the editors help genuine webmasters with appropriate content get listed?

None. The editors help surfers find sites. That is a subtle but extremely important (critical, vital) difference

>In what ways are editors or ODP putting a system in place to address concerns of people who are submitting appropriate sites with appropriate content?

What concerns? Concerns having to do with the effective and efficient work of the ODP towards its mission (see above), or ... something else?

>In what ways can a submitter appeal to an editor?
If there is a way, then (for the protection of editors from angry, frustrated, and sometimes even physically violent webmasters) it would be of critical importance to the project to close it.

>Is there training in place to insure editors are not exercising arbitrary or erroneous judgment on sites?
Such training doesn't exist.

The editors cooperate in many ways to build their skills and refine their judgment. And, of course, all editor decisions may be reviewed by editors at any time. Furthermore, anyone who can demonstrate an interest in the actual directory goals, and the ability to work well towards those goals -- and, by the way, who else would be qualified to judge? -- may become an editor.

>In what ways can a submitter get an answer on the status of submission or what systems are in place to do so?
There are no systems for that. We have proven by comprehensive experiments that that is an extremely inefficient way of improving directory accuracy and comprehensiveness. There is consequently no interest in that.


Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005
In what ways do the editors help genuine webmasters with appropriate content get listed?

:eek:None:eek:None:eek: No Lots, Lots, Lots..

The question you pose is very important in understanding what the ODP is about especially in regard to this forum. The ODP aims to provide a resource for surfers by seeking out and listing good quality web sites.

So at the moment I am sorting out a small sub-category (../ .../ Japanese) which had 2 entries. I looked in its suggestion pool and found 1 site which I duly reviewed and listed. I looked for links on the 3 sites and found none. I then started 'Googling' and added 7 sites to the suggestion pool. I've reviewed and added 4 of them so far. I have also suggested these sites for review in other regional and world categories where appropriate (one of them had 5 langage versions). One of those sites contains a collection of artists cv's many of whom have a personal website so later I'll return and collect those and add them to the suggestion pool in the correct category for review.

Hence the amount of help I've provided to these genuine webmasters with appropriate content is outstanding! (and I didn't mention having to read up and learn enough about the category). All editors do the same.

Over and above that we have:

1) The ODP has a facility to allow anyone to suggest a site and, like anyone else, web masters may use that facility.

2) This forum can point web masters to relevant aspects of the ODP FAQs, guidelines and help clarify aspects.

3) Though it does not handle site-specific queries, the forum can often provide general advice which helps a web master resolve a placement issue or angst over a mis-submission.

4) By resisting calls to prioritorise the needs of some web masters, we ensure that the bulk of web masters are not unfairly penalised.

This is what we do as ODP editors - not because we have an obligation to a third party. Any benefits to web masters are incidental to who we are and what we do.

The forum is often dealing with web masters who do not realise that once they have suggested their site to the appropriate topical and/or regional categories, they have done all they can. We will not help any specific site to get listed because this would be unfair on the other sites waiting.

This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.