
I have submitted my site ( ) to a few of the categories without avail several months ago, and the recent months.

At first I thought it was lack of information on the public pages, but there seems to be more on my site then many others. There is zero advertisement on the site, so that couldn't be it. Then someone told me I must provide access to the private area of the site to be listed. So I sent an e-mail with account and password to the editor, providing access. I was clearly visited, but no follow-up, e-mail, listing or anything.

Can someone suggest a. why would my site be unfit so I may correct it, and b. what categories would be the best suited for such web site?

My site is not regional, it is not a "business", nor specific industry. It is business people related, but not associated with the businesses themselves.

Thank you.

Re: Correct categories and submission validation

It's in unreviewed in Society: Organizations: Professional, along with about 170 others /images/icons/frown.gif

The password you provided is with the site, so when an editor gets to it they can log in. It didn't quite fit the descriptions of the other categories.

Hope this helps,


Re: Correct categories and submission validation

Thank you. since that category no longer has an editor, what are the chances and timeframe of having the site added?

Is anyone else have alternative category suggestions?


Mar 25, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
Re: Correct categories and submission validation

Normally we'd also suggest submitting your site to a Regional/ category, but since your site is effectively international, this doesn't apply.

You could, of course, apply to become an editor. I don't think you would get a category of that size, but you may get one below it.


Re: Correct categories and submission validation

Thank you. The option of regional would not work, because the seat of the organization moves every two years, potentially from country to country.

I am confused on becoming an editor for the category. If I can become an editor for a category and am allowed to include my own or affilated sites, wouldn't that open up a gaping hole for abuse?

The other reason I cannot become an editor is because I would not be able to allocate time to the job to do it right.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Re: Correct categories and submission validation

>>I am confused on becoming an editor for the category. If I can become an editor for a category and am allowed to include my own or affilated sites, wouldn't that open up a gaping hole for abuse?

A hole, yes. "Gaping" hole? We hope not. The eyes of other editors, and the eyes of webmasters harmed by that abuse, are on the ODP. "Be sure your sins will find you out."

>The other reason I cannot become an editor is because I would not be able to allocate time to the job to do it right.

Sigh. Understood.


I have submitted my site to two other categories -

Would anyone with acces be kind enough and tell me the status of these submissions?

Thank you!


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
General question: 'My site was submitted to "category Y". It was moved to, and eventually listed in, "category X". Is there any chance it will also be listed in "category Y"?'

General answer: It would never have been moved to another category if the editor had thought there was any chance it should have been listed in that category. Now, the local editor could be wrong, but (outside of major spam targets, which this isn't), I'll give you 20-to-1 odds going the other way _anytime_, and 50-to-1 on days I'm feeling lucky. When the site has already been listed in another topical category, I'll give 200-to-1. I should also probably admit that if the site is _not_ listed or waiting review somewhere else and is _not_ in a major spam industry, I'd _accept_ 400-to-1 odds your way. I'm figuring on collecting the house margin on all those bets. (These statistics are not altogether made up: they're based on reviews of tens of thousands of submittals in the Test/Misplaced queue.)


Actually, I would extend the "general question" as such:

'My site was submitted to "category Y". It was accepted into "category Y" and was listed in "category Y". Additions to the site also made it relevant in "category X", where it was submitted to later. Instead of listing it in "category X", and not changing "category Y", it was moved to "category X". Is there any chance it will also be re-listed in "category Y"?'

Thank you for all your help.


Aug 2, 2002
>> My site was submitted to "category Y" ... Additions to the site also made it relevant in "category X" <<

Your question is flawed. If the site originally had content that fitted category Y, then that is where it should have been listed. If the site's content has now changed such that its content fits category X, that is where it will be moved to. Either the site content fits the descriptions of category X or category Y, it can't fit both.


I am sorry, I do not understand. If my site was mainly about carpenters, it would be listed under carpenters. If the site now carries the same information about carpenters, but also expanded to include electricians, would it not fit both carpenters AND electricians?



Aug 2, 2002
No it wouldn't. If your site has been updated to include information about an extra trade, it is now no longer focused on carpentry, but has become a 'construction skills' site. As such it will be moved to the Construction Skills category.

Would you expect us to list the telephone directory in the Carpenters category just because it contains the numbers of some carpenters?


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
And in this case in particular, since the chief officers for whom your organization exists are in more than just the Computer industry, the site is best suited to a more general "Management" type category rather than the more specific Computer Organizations category.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.