Complaints about lack of communication

I just signed up for the board because I had a specific question, and now that I have read several of the other posts, I have to say I am a bit disturbed at the expressed dissatisfaction with ODP lack of communication. Initially I would have to say I was taken back at this seemingly lack of respect on DMOZ's part, but as I continued to read, I noticed how consistent this is a complaint. Judging by that I feel compelled to say, "Stop your whining." Any one who has spent any time here can already know one thing, that explanations for submission refusals are not to be expected. You are beating a dead horse by saying the same thing as the other guy over and over again. You feel rejected, you feel ignored, you feel disrespected... if I were you, I would feel insane. The definition of insanity being doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Yes, I think communications here at DMOZ could absolutely be better, but knowing how it is and getting into agreement with the fact it has been extremely poor may be the first step to having it be better. If I am selected as an editor, I will do what it takes to respond to people who submit their site to my category and give them a simple explanation or anyone who has a legitimate question. I won't however respond to badgering, insults or endless complaining, and I can venture to guess that there are others here who agree with me on that.

As an editor, what will you do to improve communication on this project? If you don't have a specific real answer for that why apply to be an editor at all?

Thanks for some of your brain time. Spend some time today enjoying your life. It could end up being <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" /> the best day you have ever had!



The problem of communication was what brought this forum into existance.

There is more to being an editor than just logging in, and reviewing sites. First of all, that time comes out of our spare time. We are also concerened about the structure of the Open Directory, and spend a fair amount of time in the editor's forum, discussing onological issues and such.

If you have a suggestion on how to improve communication with ODP editors, feel free to become an editor yourself and suggest some. It is an Open Project, and thus we allow anyone to join and assist.

It does get a bit stressful, however, when users ask the same questions over and over again, which is why the answers all sound similar. We deal with spam and abuse almost every day, and things can get a bit teidous for us. This is what drives us insane.

I know that this forum may not be the best way to communicate with the public, but then again, nothing is perfect.


Mar 25, 2002
And don't assume that replies are not being sent to people just because there is a lot of discussion about it on this forum. I've replied to two submitter's email requests just today. They were kind, thoughtful, simple questions so I had no problem replying to these people. You just don't hear about the ones we do reply to because the people who like to complain a lot are a bit louder <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
&gt;I have to say I am a bit disturbed at the expressed dissatisfaction with ODP lack of communication.

Don't feel compelled to be. Notice that none of them were actually accompanied by a lack of ODP communication.

Most of the complainers are parroting what they've heard, and they're on the anti-odp bandwagon. Others have a pet peeve and do their best to poison the atmosphere for those who have not had bad experiences. The happy people who do get responses (and I certainly reply a lot of the time) don't complain.


Mar 25, 2002
&gt;&gt;If I am selected as an editor, I will do what it takes to respond to people who submit their site to my category and give them a simple explanation &lt;&lt;

Experience unfortunately, has taught many editors (like me) that it is best
not to respond to queries about submissions via email.

I for one if contacted by a submitter will only refer the submitter to this forum.
Not because I'm not willing to respond to questions about submissions, but such
contacts can turn into a 'who shot John' thing. This is an open forum and often
questions are best dealt with here, where more opinions are available. So from
my position, this forum is not just good for submitters, but a invaluable aid to editors.

Editors do have other methods of soliciting advice if they have doubts about
listing a site. That is of course, not apparent to non-editors. Usually if an
editor has doubts, they will almost always solicit the opinions of other editors.
Such teamwork is encouraged in the ODP community. But (and not contrary),
individuality is a strength of the ODP.

Surprisingly (perhaps to many), metas are not always right and their ability to
know that they are fallible is one of the 'traits' that makes a meta, a meta.
They often adopt a "convince me" stance, and are often convinced. But the key
to a meta's (or any editor's) agreement is not repetitively beating a dead horse
repeating the same lame arguments...
That is of course as you point out, insanity.
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