Confirm application received


May 8, 2005
Hi - I've submitted my site a number of times over the last year or so. On each occasion I've had a message acknowledging receipt of the application, after which I have heard nothing, and my site hasn't been listed. On the last occasion, I applied, and waited 6 weeks, and then asked for submission status update. I was told that there was nothing to report because my application was not in the system. So I'm wondering whether there is anything I'm doing wrong, so that the application isn't being received "properly/entirely" (whatever) and therefore being discarded.

I re-applied about a week ago - can someone confirm that it has been received correctly, so that it will be considered (I'm not asking for a commitment on acceptance)?


I was told that there was nothing to report because my application was not in the system.
That is not what you were told, you were told no information was currently available. Suggestions do not always immediately appear in the unreviewed pools, which is why we ask for a month to pass first. It gives our systems time to process incoming suggestions, and avoids overloading this forum with 'are we there yet?' requests.

Confirming reception is providing the status, please ask again in the previous thread a minimum of 1 month after the last suggestion.

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