Confused about the "process"


Aug 3, 2004
Some time back I designed a web site. I then used this forum to determine what category it should be in. I was told, by an editor, that the category I selected was "perfect". I posted the url and waited. Not sure of the date I submitted, I went to the "submission status" and posted an inquiry. I was told it was too early and to inquire again on the 15th of Sept. I did, but unknowingly started a new thread to do so. I was told to post my inquiry to the original thread and the new thread was closed. I posted to the original thread and that is where I sit. I am hoping someone can give me an idea as to how long I should wait for a reply to this latest inquiry. I am afraid that my thread, the original one, will somehow be buried. Is that the case or am I just being impatient? Please shed some light, the url is www* Thanks so much.


Sep 13, 2004

i am not an editor of, but since i have read the guidline of using the forums, let me tell you.

Please wait for 1 month after posting a message here, and if you except your website to be listed in 1 month then forget it!!!!!

These are humans editors and they are really very nice and best for people for Free. So please have some patients and wait for 1 month for the status of reply, and please remember the approx. week and once 6-8 weeks have passed then come in this forum and post a question.

I hope that shall solve your questions.

thanks, Hasit


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Please do not give answers that are totaly wrong. You may have read the guidelines but you ceratinlay did not understand them.

The guidelines are:
- wait 1 month after your last suggestion before asking for a status
- format the status request in a apropriate way (we need a clickable link for the category)
- don not start ore than one thread for the same site
- after a first status request wait at aleast 6 months before a second request

Normaly a question will be answered within hours. If your question isn't answered with one day feel free to bump the thread by making another posting in is. Sometimes the number of requests is so high that we miss one (he, we are only human).

About how long you should wait before your site is listed. Noone knows. Read the faq for more detailed answers.
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