Confused regarding submitting


Apr 18, 2009
I submitted the site under Local directory:my city.

I checked who was viewing my website and someone from here viewed it:

I need permission to view that link.

However when I went there to see if my site was listed it wasn't.

The person that viewed it is listed in the same city. Could it be that one of the competitors that is also listed there deleted it or didn't approve it?


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
zeza said:
I submitted the site under Local directory:my city.
Thanks we always appreciate it when people help us to find websites.

> I need permission to view that link.
Yes, that is the editor side of DMOZ. Only accessible for editors.
If you want to see the category replace everything from http until cat= with
Such a reference in your site stats does noet mean that the site is reviewed. It also does not mean that an editor visited your site. It could be just a check by one of our tools that you site is accessible.

> However when I went there to see if my site was listed it wasn't.
Than is it either still waiting review or it is rejected.

> The person that viewed it is listed in the same city.
How do you know which person viewed your site?

> Could it be that one of the competitors that is also listed there deleted it or didn't approve it?
That is always possible. But very unlickely. Not that he is a competitor, what ever that might be. Not that it is rejected. But unlickely that a site is rejected because the editor is a competitor.


Apr 18, 2009
pvgool said:
Thanks we always appreciate it when people help us to find websites.

> I need permission to view that link.
Yes, that is the editor side of DMOZ. Only accessible for editors.
If you want to see the category replace everything from http until cat= with
Such a reference in your site stats does noet mean that the site is reviewed. It also does not mean that an editor visited your site. It could be just a check by one of our tools that you site is accessible.

> However when I went there to see if my site was listed it wasn't.
Than is it either still waiting review or it is rejected.

> The person that viewed it is listed in the same city.
How do you know which person viewed your site?

> Could it be that one of the competitors that is also listed there deleted it or didn't approve it?
That is always possible. But very unlickely. Not that he is a competitor, what ever that might be. Not that it is rejected. But unlickely that a site is rejected because the editor is a competitor.

Thanks for the response. I know the person lives in the same city because my statistics shows what city the person that views my site is located in.

Thanks again


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Here's an easy way to get a sanity check on paranoid conspiracy theories:

Look at the category. Are there any sites listed, for which you'd be considered a competitor? Is there more than one such site?

If so, then ... they compete with each other, right? And so, even if the editor was associated with ONE of them, he's obviously listing his competition (the other one), right? Which proves THAT particular paranoia is a delusion.

If there are NO sites that you'd be considered a competitor for -- then maybe the ODP doesn't list such sites, at least in that category. Again, there's evidently no cause for concern.

If there's only one site, then ask yourself--are there any other sites competitive with that one site, which aren't listed? This is the only case you might need to worry about.

Suggest them and see what happens.


A couple of related facts:

(1) It's not just OK to reject an unlistable site. It's required, even if it's one of your competitors.

(2) 100% of rejected website owners think they shouldn't have been rejected...99% of them are wrong. Which is why it's just not a good idea to discuss the specifics of rejected sites. There will basically never be a pleasant resolution.


May 1, 2009
Thanks to popping this question. I also stuck up with same problem from many times. I also submitted my seo marketing company site details under US located city but till date I am unable to see that as a visitors.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I also stuck up with same problem from many times.

Ah. Then it's very likely your sites aren't listable. How can I know? (Aside from the obvious, of course--freelance/affiliate marketing sites hardly ever contain significant unique information.)

The editor couldn't POSSIBLY be competing with all of your "many" sites, could he. So some other factor must be preventing the sites from being listed. What factor could that be? The most obvious factor is -- you.

till date I am unable to see that as a visitors.

It is possible that no volunteer has yet decided that reviewing that site is the most important thing that can be done online. But it's also possible that the suggestion has been handled invisibly: any experienced editor will have ways of spotting spam patterns, which involve NOT leaving a recognizable trail in the site logs. (And the term "SEO Marketing" raises existing spam flags to the next level, as well as incentivizing people to design new flags!)
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