contact editor in regards to multiple submissions

Sam Lochner

Jul 8, 2008
I made the mistake of submitting 3 times in the last 8 months. I submitted a third time just today because I believe my previous submissions were rejected because I did not follow the guide lines well enough.

Is there some way I can contact the editor of my intended category to explain the situation, or am I out of luck.

My site is very unique and fits very well into the category.

Any help would be greatly appreciated



Jan 23, 2003
Editors generally dislike being contacted...little good ever comes of it.

Let it lie. If it had not been reviewed and you suggested to the same category, the latest suggestion overwrote the earlier ones and no harm will come of it.

If it had been reviewed, the reviewing editor will still look at the new suggestion.

Besides,more than 200 editors could pssibly review the sugestion and you certainly could not contact all of them.


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
I believe my previous submissions were rejected because I did not follow the guide lines well enough.
I'm not sure if this is what you meant or not, but just in case you are under this misapprehension... We evaluate websites based on the content on the website only, and not what you put in the title/description boxes when you suggest it, nor the category you suggest it too. We don't delete sites because of poor suggested titles/descriptions, or for not getting the category quite right.

It's obviously very helpful if you can suggest your site to the right category and provide an accurate title and description following our Editing Style Guidelines. However, if you don't get it quite right, the editor reviewing the site will make any necessary changes, rather than deleting the suggestion out of hand (we're nice like that).

Having said that though, having a good title and description and suggesting to the right category, will greatly decrease the time it takes for a listable site to the listed: sites with good titles and descriptions will often be picked out of the pool of suggestions and handled first (they're easier after all) and site suggested to the wrong category first need to be moved to the right one (and will often need to be reviewed by a second editor once moved there, resulting in a further wait).
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