Contacting editors a couple of levels up

May 11, 2004
I'd like to check whether it would be appropriate for me to contact "category editors", two levels up from the category where my site used to be listed.

Here's the situation:
- My site was listed in that category for several years
- Early last year, I changed the URL
- I assume the only reason my site disappeared last year was because the URL had changed
- There is currently no editor in the category. This is what led me to think it would be appropriate to make inquiries with category editor at the next available level up.

Please also note the following:
- I had notified the editor at the time of the change
- It turns out the editor was on her way out from editing that category; the category has now not had an editor for a year
- I have used to "add a site" form, which has produced no result (not very surprising given that the category has had no editor).

So my question is:
- Is it OK to contact the editors a couple of levels above (in this case, in the "Society" category, where I find 4 editors. Is it OK to contact all 4 editors, sine I have no way of knowing whether one of them might be more involved in the subcategory I was in?)
- If this is not OK, could you suggest a procedure for asking to reinstate the site?
I assume my site was removed


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Most editors give priority to update url requests which are shown prominently. If you made one when your url changed, the editor will have probably have re-evaluated the website by now.

It could be that s/he decided that it would be better listed elsewhere and moved it to there for further evaluation. Alternatively, It could be that s/he decided that the site was no longer of the sort that we list and removed it.

Few editors think that a particular website should be expedited simply because somebody has contacted them about it. Were it otherwise, their inboxes would be overflowing.

Best thing to do is to suggest your website to the most appropriate category (if you haven't done so) and we'll get to it in due course. There's no need to contact individual editors at all.
May 11, 2004
Clarifying request

I am realizing from this answer that my original question was not as clear as I had thought. Sorry about that. Here is clarification.

1. My website had been in that category for several years - - so it seems fair to say it was in the right category

2. It disappeared as a result of URL change at a time there was no longer an editor for the category. There still is no editor for the category. The disappearance seems related to the URL change, as opposed to change of relevance of the site to the category.

3. Since there is no editor in the category itself, I was thinking of going above that category itself, to the meta-category that this category is part of ("Society": I'm mentioning it simply because I'm not sure that it is called a "meta-category").
I understand one would normally would not contact editors, and especially not from editors of meta-categories. I was wondering whether this would be OK in the case of a website that had been listed for many years, and seemed to have disappeared because of a glitch of URL change at a time when there has been no editor in the category.

4. By the way, I had also looked into other categories that might be relevant. None is as relevant as the original category. Besides, none of them has an editor, either.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Your initial post was perfectly clear and my advice remains unchanged.

You've several times mentioned that a category has no editor. The huge majority of categories are edited from above and there are also around 200 editors who can work wherever they wish. This misconception is also addressed in this forum's FAQ.
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