Contacting editors directly



I was curious if it is acceptable to contact an editor directly to discuss issues that are not allowed for discussion on the message boards in more detail.

For example, if a site has been reviewed and not accepted or whether it is just waiting in line to be reviewed? Can an editor also offer input on what aspect of a site needs improvement or change? This would be helpful.

Also, the category I am waiting to be included in has no editor. Who would be the right person to contact in such a case?



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
You can contact an editor. If there is a reason why the editor doesn't want to list the site (yet), normally we strongly recommend that the editor not reply. Editors (like me) who have on occasion failed to follow this recommendation, will know from experience why we so recommend.


Thanks for the response. I understand why editors would not want to get into specifics of why they choose not to list a site because it could result in resentment. Sometimes when you try to provide helpful information, it can backfire, I know from experience.

I have the feeling, though, that in the case of my submittal it may be something minor that is holding things back like, for example, not including a physical address on the site. I've recently added a contact address and I am trying to figure out what else could be affecting the editor's decision, but can't honestly come up with anything else. This is the type of information that would be helpful to me, since as far as I can see, everything else is within the guidelines of your requirements.

If the editor were to indicate that the site is not up to par with what he/she is looking for, that's fine too. I honestly would just move on and not take it personally. What is difficult is not knowing what is happening.

By the way, I assume that if my category has no editor, the best person to contact would be the editor of the next category up? Thanks for your feedback.


Yes the editor of the next category up would be the person to contact. But like you were already told, your not promised a reply. Good luck to you with your site.

Volunteer Editor {moz}


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.