copyright information



what can i do about compeditors typing my html name into thair html code to recieve hits,These same people they are even comeing up ahead of sites that i have gave links to......if you search for opal art inlay or opal art inlay jewelry...they are coming up ahead of my links.....if you go to www.internet archives they do not have the history for my site.....I made several custom jewelry pieces for them...and when I stoped working with them they started this........ out of spite.......I would be gratful of any information........(I am a little guy and i think this is why they think they can get away with this...what protects people like me....there code with my name in hidden on thair page.this should be a crime......!!!!!!!!!!


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
If you want to claim your copyrights you should seek legal advice "in the real world". We are just a community of voluntary ODP-editors, unable to give you any legal help.
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