Correct Catagory?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I presume you're referring to some commercial-pop buzzworded music genre, rather than the dictionary meaning of "any music meant to be danced to, from medieval galliardes through waltzes and tango to hip hop"; and if so I assume we have a category for it, although not necessarily under the name you'd first guess.)

So, if all this is true, that's almost surely not the right category, but it's an EXTREMELY common mistake (that is, among people who aren't reference librarians).

The principle is, drill down as specific as you can according to the TOPIC of the site (in this case, the kind of music), and then, ONLY then, do you start thinking about categorizing by the MEDIUM of the site. Obviously if there aren't enough sites about that TOPIC, you don't have to categorize by MEDIUM.

Cheers Hutcheson,

My bad! VFunk is aimed at the global dance music / underground & main stream - no pop or off topic random music sites!

I shall re-submit to a more specific Topic catagory.. Although this will then send the site to the back of the que right?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
All rise and chant the ODP chant: "there ... is ... no ... back ... to ... the ... queue." (Thank you.)

Be that as it may, your choices remain:

(1) Let the site wend to the (putative front of the) queue it is in, in order for the editor to move it to the (putative back of the) queue in the right category. No editor will be offended, lots of people hit the wrong category. If it's a good site we wouldn't otherwise have found easily, we're ahead of the game.

(2) Go ahead and submit again to the right category, getting an early start in the queue -- this doesn't guarantee an earlier listing, but it does give opportunities for an earlier listing that wouldn't have been available. The editor will just delete the "other" submittal. Again, no editor will be offended; a second submittal to the right category is even more help than the first one to the wrong category, and ONE extra submittal isn't TOO much extra effort. (But don't push our patience beyond that, stops helping us and starts endangering you fairly quickly.)

And don't worry about where you are in the queue. Figure the editor will shuffle the deck anyway. Figure you're either in, or out -- nothing else matters.

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