Corruption in Poker sites submission


Oct 22, 2004
I want to share my thoughts and ask some questions to editors about poker sites.

There is a cathegory Games: Gambling: Poker , but not everybody can be submitted there. For example our website was not submitted to this cathegory for long time with no reason.

Or maybe there are some reasons? Maybe we did not pay editors? Should we do that? I guess no. I have a suspection that editors of such kind of cathegories are rich because ones are accepted, others - not without any explaination. Who could explain why our page does not fit to this cathegory? There is said in the description of this cathegory:
Sites offering unique and useful content on multiplayer poker games. has unique content. It is useful, almost everything is about multiplayer games. What's the problem? :confused:

Can anyone from editors explain me, first of all, I would like to hear
mantispraying's opinion.


Oct 22, 2004
Hi Marius_K:

Thanks for posting your issue(s) in the ODP resource zone. This forum is the absolute best way to communicate with active ODP editors, so you're in the right place.

Let me begin my offering some basic information. I edit the poker related categories. The poker categories receive a huge number of submissions. Unfortunately, the vast majority (98%) of all submissions to the poker related categories do not meet ODP standards in terms of content quality. Many people submit websites full of affiliate links and duplicate content (that is, non-unique content that can easily be found elsewhere on the web).

Before any website is added to the poker related categories I fully review the website by visiting all of its pages and by measuring its affiliate link to unique content ratio. I actually search to see if the content that exists in each submitted website is available elsewhere in a website already listed in the ODP. Very few submitted sites pass this quality test. Also, because the category receives so much spam, the quality guidelines really have to be enforced, meaning that it takes me quite awhile to review each submitted website. Suffice to say, there are a lot of low-quality submissions that consume the bulk of my time.

The one thing I can guarantee you is that eventually your website will be looked at. It may take 4 to 8 weeks, but I promise that if it is submitted, it will eventually be reviewed. If it is a high quality website with a good unique content to affiliate link ratio, then it will be accepted. A good way to tell whether your site passes the test is to look at what is already listed in the category. Your site should offer content that no other website offers, thereby making it unique.

If you have submitted your site, then it will be reviewed in the order it was received.


Oct 22, 2004
Ok, what does it mean original content? Quotes from variuos sites can be found everywhere. I just began comparing our competitors' pages which are listed in this cathegory. These pages renew their content quite slowly, while we do it almost every day.

What is then the value of the site? Renewed content I quess.

Pitty, it is ignored :monacle:


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Marius_K said:
Pitty, it is ignored :monacle:
Please read my previous post.
Until you have asked for a status in the right place you will not know if it is reviewed or not.


Sep 27, 2004
Hang it up Marius - you're wasting your time. Your site is every bit as qualified as the other sites in the poker category. The problem is not with your site - it's with the corruption of the editors in DMOZ. The guy who runs the poker category probably owns half the sites in it.


Tony G

Oct 22, 2004
This is a real problem

I am Tony G full name: Antanas Guoga( 3 WPT fianl tables) I am the guy that owns this site, you guys are discussing about:
I submitted this site to be considered for listing in dmoz and it was listed in the lithuanian section some time ago since we have content in Lithuanian, Chinese and German, Italian, Russian and more to come.

An editor in Lithuania that I know personally told me that this site is actually considered to be a banner farm and link farm and has a red tag so that editors will not list it in dmoz. And it was taken out of dmoz, which i personally consider a cirme as the editors that own other sites like: [specific URL removed] and several others do as they please and have many many links to affiliate deals.

I am not saying that my site is great although we have 3 people who work on its conntent full time as well as strong support team and we do not have any banners at all from the home page, we profile all people behind the site as you can see and you may contact any of them our Chief Editor Mr.Alken Allen also works part time with a major magazine in London. I do not find many sites that profile the people behind the page like we do.
you can see the about site here:

I feel that if you can not be fair about the listings in dmoz then not have this category at all so that every body can be on even footing in terms of competing which is important, one only needs to look at this site and it will be clear about how much work has gone inn to it. Our site is also updated every day.

I am asking for this site to be considered again for listing in an appropriate category, keeping in mind taht it was considered earlier and even marked as a banner farm I believe I deserve a review once again.


Sep 27, 2004
Hang it up Tony - it ain't gonna happen. This forum is here for looks only, and serves no legitimate purpose whatseover other than to gloss over the corruption of DMOZ. No one here is going to help you at all. All they will do is reply with a few lines of B.S. about "lack of content" and some other nonsense which has nothing to do with the truth.


Tony G

Oct 22, 2004
Well I will not give this up luckilly I win money at poker so at least these things desrve a look at a us court, I mean anything that does not allow a level playing field and corrupts people needs top be looked at by the courts and brought out.


Oct 2, 2002
Now that legal action has been threatened, there is no way an editor will review your site. Please take up all future correspondence with AOL's legal department.

Tony G

Oct 22, 2004
Please provide me with contact details for your legal department so we can get this thing started.


Sep 27, 2004
ishtar said:
Now that legal action has been threatened, there is no way an editor will review your site. Please take up all future correspondence with AOL's legal department.

In other words Tony, "Thanks for giving us a legitimate reason to diss your website. We didn't have one before."


Tony G

Oct 22, 2004
I know there are honest, genuine editors in dmoz and i believe in the spirit of what they want to do.

Poker is probably a dirty thing for dmoz to be involved with so the best thing to do, to be fair is have no directory for gambling so that everybody is on a level playing field.

Tony G

Oct 22, 2004
I have writen to the leagal department and I will be updating all on this forum, I intend to have dialoge first and then move to the next stage if I dont receive a fair response . So you corrupt ediotrs better run for cover.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I have writen to the leagal department and I will be updating all on this forum,
Please don't. This is not the place for a running commentary on your dealings with the AOL legal department. Feel free to share that somewhere else. But don't do it here.
I intend to have dialoge first and then move to the next stage if I dont receive a fair response . So you corrupt ediotrs better run for cover.

And on that note, this thread has run its course and I'm closing it (note: that is not an invitation to start up a new thread about poker abuse and/or your site -- that is all in the hands of AOL legal now and so not discussable here).
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.