Could not get listed, but less "trustworthy" sites are in same category?


Nov 24, 2009
Could not get listed, but less respectable sites are in same category?

I applied for about 3 listings in a while back for 3 different websites that my company owns and provides for public use. I noticed while i was in that category that some of the other websites listed were either terrible and shoddy, or they were not even legitimate after examining them. A few websites were legitimate and decent / respectable competitors. Our listings got denied, and i don't even recall getting a reason.

I submitted a message informing the editors the there were SEVERAL disreputable websites in this category, and i was puzzled as to how this one was denied. I got a response saying something about "editorial process" (sorry, this was about 6 months ago, so i don't recall every detail).

I assumed that i misread the terms of submission, and decided not to abandon hope, and to try again. I read, and RE read the terms very carefully. I ensured that my submission did not violate any of the terms, including the capitalization, and repeating the name of the website in the description; and yes, i narrowed down to a very specific category for each of the 3 sites. I resubmitted them about 2 months ago, and they are still not listed (no message from dmoz either). The thing that really gets me, is that the less respectable websites ARE listed. This is difficult to swallow, to say the least.

I would LOVE to be listed with dmoz. It shows that your company and your company's website projects (websites) are somewhat reputable, and have been reviewed by a human being, and have been deemed as having something toward value to provide to the internet. Please advise on how i could find out why these websites are not listed, or what i did wrong, or anything that may be of assistance.

Thanks in advance; Vector Thorn, Ionisis


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I'm not sure why you thought your sites could not be listed.

If you thought your site had been reviewed and rejected -- how could you know that? Editors don't notify anyone (not website owners, not website suggesters, not other editors, not ODP management) when they review a site.

If you thought your site must have been reviewed by now, because it was suggested at least N nanoseconds ago (for any conceivable value of N) -- things don't work that way. Sites that have NEVER been suggested have just as high a priority as sites that have been suggested (it's just that suggesting sites makes them easier to find). Suggesting a site is not a way of creating deadlines, raising priorities, moving up in queues, or anything like that--it just makes that site easier to find, whenever that comes to matter.

There is a rule against suggesting "related sites"--were you thinking all your sites were banned because you had suggested three related sites? (If that were the case, then there would be nothing to discuss: the rule is there to prevent the necessity for discussions with people that have already proved themselves antisocial, rude, and greedy.)


Nov 24, 2009
No sir, they were entirely different:
One was a site with video lessons for how to use Linux (from beginning to end)
One was a site that is an online personal organizer
One was a web services and information management systems company website


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Software sites are not easy to review. I'm a programmer by profession, and I've mostly stayed away from those categories. Outside your own area of knowledge, it's hard to tell the difference between a class project and an industrial-strength product, unless you've actually played with it (or, of course, unless it has a real-world reputation.)


Apr 5, 2004
I read, and RE read the terms very carefully. I ensured that my submission did not violate any of the terms ... I resubmitted them about 2 months ago
Unfortunately you seem to have repeatedly overlooked the following clear instruction on the suggestion form. I have highlighted the most important words.
Please only submit a URL to the Open Directory once. Again, multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites. Disguising your submission and submitting the same URL more than once is not permitted.


Nov 24, 2009
These are 3 ENTIRELY different websites covering 3 ENTIRELY different topics. Again, one is for Linux, one is for Information Systems, and one is a Personal Organizer. Those are not even CLOSE to being the same thing. They serve entirely different purposes, and each of them are reputable already.

Thank you for pointing that out. I do completely understand that. And for the record, the Information Systems website IS industrial strength, but most systems are still in beta, and are invitation only at this point.

Thanks again.


Apr 5, 2004
These are 3 ENTIRELY different websites covering 3 ENTIRELY different topics.
There's no need to use capitals. We understand that you believe them to be completely separate sites. Whether your view is shared by editors is something that will be decided when they are reviewed.

More importantly, I hope you now understand the simple instruction to submit a site only once. Repeated suggestions is not only pointless (because they overwrite earlier suggestions), but wastes the time of volunteers who could be spending their editing time building the directory instead of wading through suggestions by people who don't read the instructions. :rolleyes:


Nov 24, 2009
I did only submit them once. I made that clear in my first post. I submitted them and they were turned down because of the description not meeting the guidelines. Once i studied the guidelines more closely, and believed that i had a better understanding of them, i then resubmitted them for admittance. This is not submitting something more than once, as it was never admitted to begin with, and it is understood that if your submission is refused for editrial reasons that you can resubmit it after rectifying those errors.


Curlie Meta
Mar 25, 2002
The description not meeting the guidelines is never a reason for rejecting a suggestion. In ten years, I've had to rewrite all but a few suggestions. - less than 10.

It has already been asked, but I'll ask again. Why did you believe that your suggestions were rejected?


Nov 24, 2009
Well, like i said before, it has been a while now (6 months maybe?) since i was denied the first time, so i could be a little off, but i am almost positive (i could swear) that the editor said that the submission's description did not meet the guidelines. That is what confused me, because i thought that it did; and so when i went to resubmit them, i made sure i read the guidelines twice, and, as difficult as something may be, did not deviate from it.

It was probably about 2 or 3 months ago when i resubmitted them. The first submission was denied in about 2 weeks after submitting it, if i remember correctly; and so i thought that i have already been denied again, but wasn't sure because if i was denied, then i assumed that i would have been notified. I'm not sure if they would have been dropped because i already got denied before for editorial purposes, but i thought that might have been the case.

Does that make any sense? I'm not exactly sure how to word it, i guess. Here, i'll try it like this:

1) I submitted 3 different websites
2) 2 weeks later i was denied for editorial reasons
3) I gave up hope on getting into Dmoz, because i thought that i did it right, so i didn't know what else to do
4) I decided a few months later to try again and be more attentative to instructions (and looked at other listings to see how they worded their website descriptions)
5) a couple of months passed and i have not heard anything back, and have not been listed, so i think that i was denied again.

I just have a feeling that i've been denied because i was before, but in a fraction of the time. But again, i still have not heard anything back, so i don't know if i'm jumping to conclusions (if so, i apologize; i guess that i just need a little clarification?).



Nov 24, 2009
Err nothing. That is not submitting more than once. To submit more than once implies that the website is already listed and you are submitting again to get another listing. RESUBMITTING means that you are submitting a corrected submission that was never accepted.


Nov 24, 2009
You didn't read a single word, did you? Just forget it; this is more trouble that it was worth, and serves only to dihearten those who simply wanted to know if they had a reason to believe. I've made myself clear several times on several issues, and yet it is almost as if i am mocked.

Forget Dmoz, i've already got #1 on google for almost every single term.....


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
You didn't read a single word, did you?

The post that used to be above yours wasn't a reply from anybody connected to dmoz - it was a spammer copying bits of earlier posts in order to post their own links.

Concerning this:

Well, like i said before, it has been a while now (6 months maybe?) since i was denied the first time, so i could be a little off, but i am almost positive (i could swear) that the editor said that the submission's description did not meet the guidelines.
Are you sure you didn't apply to become an editor? It's not uncommon that people apply to be editors when they simply intended to suggest their sites for review - and editor applications do get a response.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Ionisis said:
Err nothing. That is not submitting more than once. To submit more than once implies that the website is already listed and you are submitting again to get another listing. RESUBMITTING means that you are submitting a corrected submission that was never accepted.
Strange definition of "once"
Once means "one time".
It does not matter for what reason you suggested a site a second time, it also does not matter if a site is already listed or not.
A second suggestion of a website always makes it more than once.

BTW you still did not answer why you think your website(s) were rejected. Editors never send messages about reviewed websites so you can not have gotten such an answer from an editor.

3 different websites that my company owns
This automatically makes those 3 websites related for DMOZ. And as you have specified even the subjects of the websites are related as they all are about Computer related subjects. And our guidelines clearly state not to suggest related sites. Only suggest the company main website. It is your own task to make your other websites available from the company main website. If you are not willing to make the websites connected why should do DMOZ such a task for you.
An editor can always decide to list those extra websites if (s)he thinks it is usefull to uour visitors.
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