Curtain Tennis


Mar 13, 2006
Dmoz remains critical and important. The "volunteers" are, in the majority, clearly not up to the task. In the words of Mr. Jobs, "There has to be a better way."

I just find it astounding that such an important project to people--those indexing sites, submitting them, and seeking them--can fall in to the neglectful hands of volunteers who seem not to have the appreciation, time, motivation nor interest in to do any sort of appreciable job of it.

I have submitted a number of sites over the years, for myself and my many clients. All legitimate. All deserving. All in correct and appropriate categories. None added.

Like so many others I have volunteered to contribute. My values and intentions are aligned with the task. I am interested for personal reasons--the webs democratic and generous nature (hence the term "shareware")--and I began made a living in it long before the "boom" days (mid 90's). I even met my wife online. It seems wise to contribute.

Trying to support the project and interact with it's "volunteers" is like playing tennis against a curtain.

I keep submitting sites. Submissions keep getting ignored. I volunteer. Application is denied. And for no accurate or legitimate reason. It is all incredibly frustrating and useless, like itself.

Can no one at institute some conduct and activity-level STANDARDS for the category editors!???

And why does it take years to get a site listed, if at all, while an application to to help is denied in one day!!!?

Anyone with any real involvement in at this stage has nothing to be proud of.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Ah, you're worrying about a DIFFERENT job. You're welcome to work out a better way to do that job.

Big Duck

Mar 14, 2006
<Deleted -- I would have left this here had the poster not seen fit to spam this forum with his "announcement". Way to go. >


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I just find it astounding that such an important project to people--those indexing sites, submitting them, and seeking them--can fall in to the neglectful hands of volunteers who seem not to have the appreciation, time, motivation nor interest in to do any sort of appreciable job of it.
Nice blanket mischaracterization. The fact that no one has gotten around to reviewing the sites that you have suggested does not indicate a lack of appreciation, time, motivation, or interest in anything save perhaps your sites.

Can no one at institute some conduct and activity-level STANDARDS for the category editors!???
We have standards. Probably not what you're expecting from us but we have standards that we are OK with.

And why does it take years to get a site listed, if at all, while an application to to help is denied in one day!!!?
Those are two different tasks, with two different groups of handlers and two extremely disparate quantities. You must also remember that the pool of suggestions, while sometimes useful, is NOT our number one priority.

Anyone with any real involvement in at this stage has nothing to be proud of.
Then it is probably a very good thing that your applications were never accepted. How sad it would be for you to be stuck doing something you weren't proud of.
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