Dead sites! Sites shown twice-others waiting months, possibly years for their sites!


Apr 25, 2004
I have been checking out the following which I have been waiting for a couple of months now to be added to:

When I asked if I should resubmit my site I was told no, it would be added some time in the next 2 years. Oh boy, they are swamped and need help and lots of it!

I finally decided to try to help out and edit. Wow, they sure can use some help! In this division I found 14 dead sites and 3 duplicate sites. There are many of us that would like to be added to this category but are waiting forever to get there so I decided to shut up and try to help out by signing up to be an editor. We'll see if they take me up on my offer to clean up this category.


In the meantime, there is a thread in the "Abuse Reporting" forum for reporting hijacked and dead links. Quality control insofar as currently listed sites is a priority for us. We appreciate it when our users let us know when there is a problem with a listing.

Please note that we are currently working through the latest batch of sites found by our link-checker, so the dead sites you see may already be flagged for action.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.