Deep Linking


Apr 13, 2004

I have a portal type site which is located in:

Curlie - Computers: Security: Directories

Recently I noticed that a subsection of my site

<url removed>/Intrusion_Detection/Honeypots

Was in another directory

Curlie - Computers: Security: Honeypots and Honeynets

I did not submit to this other directory but am of course glad it is listed. I think that because of the nature of my site, that individual directories of my site would be well suited in other directories of DMOZ. But I do not want to appear to be "deep linking"

My question is, would it be appropriate for me to submit other categories of my site into other DMOZ directories. I think its important to point out that my site is not a directory of sites (similiar to DMOZ) it is instead a directory of white papers organized similiar to DMOZ. I have added a few examples below:

Curlie - Computers: Security: Authentication
<url removed>/Enterprise_Security/Authentication

Curlie - Computers: Security: Policy: Sample Policies
<url removed>/Security_Policies/Sample_Policies

Curlie - Computers: Security: Intrusion Detection Systems: Products and Tools
<url removed>/Intrusion_Detection

Thank you!

Mitchell Rowton


Jan 23, 2003
Generally speaking, the answer is no.

If an editor finds a particular section of a website worthy of inclusion in a second category, then that is something that the editor decides in conjuction siwth staff and guidelines. This is more common in some parts of the directory than others.

Generally speaking a business is considered for two listings, once by subject, once by geography. We ask that businesses not submit other than their base URLs.

Take the additional listing as a compliment that an editor felt it had very useful content. It is not, however, an encouragement to make additional listings.

Special thanks for asking here first, and not just blindly submitting the additinal sections of your website.


Apr 13, 2004
That sounds very reasonable. My site is fairly new so I was quite happy that an editor had made the second listing without my requesting. Anyway, it makes you feel better if someone else adds you site, as opposed to approving your submission request. I would almost prefer it to happen naturally.

Thanks for the tip!

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