Deeplinking Question




I've just read the 'deep-linking' guidelines and wanted to ask if anyone can tell me if it's worth me submitting a section of my website that has considerably different content to the main URL?

The URL already listed is:

and this is the new section that I'd like to submit to a different category:

Many Thanks


Aug 2, 2002
I would say no, we probably wouldn't list that deep-link.

The sort of content we consider for deep-linking is purely informational content. If we can imagine a surfer coming along, finding the deep-link information useful, and then leaving without needing to visit the main part of the site, we'll deep-link it. The link you give above has the right sort of content to be considered for a deep-link, but I feel it just falls short.

The information you give is in some cases fairly specific to the products you offer. There's not a lot of detail in there, and what is there isn't always correct. 'Website basics' is an area very well covered by other sites already listed in the directory.

We probably won't list your deep-link, but not because we're against all deep-links, it's only because the detail is not comprehensive, and there are plenty of other sites that do it better.
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