Description Changed - Not requested



The site listed in Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Business and Economy: Opportunities up until recently had the description - "Business Opportunity - Land Sales Associates required to sell plots of land for sale. Becoming a Land Dealer enables you to make profit from plots for sale in the UK.". This covered a range of areas of the business and information in the website, utlising the terminology specific to the land industry. I recently noticed a change in the description, that was unrequested, to " Opportunity to sell plots of land.".

This clearly loses some of the information that was conveyed in the original description and fails to miss our target viewers and no doubt has an impact on the number of quality sites returned in the area covered by the original description.

What I also find interesting is that a search on the url still returns the original description in the search results, but when drilling down through to the directory it is listed with the new description.

I hope you can shed some light on this

Many thanks


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
The original description was not appropriate according to the ODP guidelines and was edited to correct it. The current description is a bit brief but much more in line with the guidelines than what was there before. If you would like to suggest a new description (not the same one that was there before) that is more in line with the guidelines, by all means feel free to use the "Update URL" option on the category page (note: we are under no obligation to accept your suggested changes so the act of using that option doesn't guarantee that you'll get the description you want).

The reason that the search still shows the old description is that the search database hasn't been updated yet. Eventually they will match.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
"Business Opportunity - Land Sales Associates required to sell plots of land for sale. Becoming a Land Dealer enables you to make profit from plots for sale in the UK

>This clearly loses some of the information that was conveyed in the original description...
In fact, it is clear that it loses NO information about the website whatsoever. The fourfold repetition of the words "land sale" is not information! The same goes for the "in the UK", which can be safely assumed, since it is in a UK category.

And the sentence about "becoming a land dealer" is truly and clearly not about the website at all! It is actually clearly false: the act of becoming a land dealer doesn't cause any income to flow to you.

Your concern about searches is misplaced. ODP search isn't a major source of visitors, and other search engines do not use the ODP index as a source of keywords for the site.


thanks for the info. I'll look in to providing an ODP conforming description
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